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20 Best Resorts Near Pune For A Weekend Getaway

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With long weekends around the corner, if you're anywhere near Pune, this is an essential list of resorts you could choose from. So, it's time to take that much-needed break! Here is a list of the bes (Read More)t resorts near Pune for a Weekend Getaway.

Here is the list of 20 Best Resorts Near Pune

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So what are you waiting for? Plan a weekend getaway to these resorts near Pune. A refreshing and rejuvenating weekend will recharge your mental batteries, preparing you to face the week with a zest.

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However, you can try some of these similar properties.

FAQs on Best Resorts Near Pune For A Weekend Getaway

How much does it cost to stay at Best Resorts Near Pune?

Usually, Best Resorts Near Pune cost in the price range of INR 1231 - INR 26800 per night.

What are the Best Resorts Near Pune?

Some of the best Best Resorts Near Pune are Sorina Hillside Resort, Winds Flower Resort, and Oxford Golf Resort.

How much is the price for Best Resorts Near Pune for this weekend?

The average price per night for Best Resorts Near Pune for this weekend is INR 5687.

What are the Best Resorts Near Pune with a pool?

Best Best Resorts Near Pune with a pool are Sorina Hillside Resort, Winds Flower Resort, Oxford Golf Resort, and Sunny's World.

Suggest some Best Resorts Near Pune with good wifi?

Best Best Resorts Near Pune with wifi availability are Sorina Hillside Resort, Winds Flower Resort, Oxford Golf Resort, and Sunny's World.

Which are the Best Resorts Near Pune that are pet-friendly?

With no restrictions, these pet-friendly Best Resorts Near Pune are perfect for you and your pet: Sorina Hillside Resort, Winds Flower Resort, Oxford Golf Resort, and Sunny's World.

Best time for a staycation in Pune?

Pune is spellbinding in both Monsoons and Winters, hence the months from July to February is the best time to visit this sprawling city of Maharashtra. The weather remains cool and pleasurably calm. The months of December is a festive time when the city hosts the famous Sawai Gandharva Sangeeth Mahotsav which attracts Indian classical music lovers from all over the country. However, it's best to avoid summers as the weather is torrid and could hinder your travel plans. 

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