Safety in Azerbaijan: Travel Tips and Advice

Azerbaijan is generally considered safe for tourism, with low levels of violent crime and a welcoming attitude towards visitors. However, as with any travel destination, it's important for to fstay vigilant and take precautions to ensure your safety. 

Scams in Azerbaijan

Taxi Scams

While many taxi drivers operate fairly, some may attempt to overcharge the tourists. You can download the Bolt Taxi App to book cabs online and avoid taking private taxis. A few taxi drivers claim about unavailability of buses for a certain route to get the passengers. Check the bus schedules and metro routes yourself if you wish to take public transport.

A taxi in Baku
Taxi in Baku (Representational image)

Photograpgy Scams

You can find many paid photographers at popular tourist attractions like Highland Park in Baku. These photographers convince you to get pictures clicked without disclosing the price and later reveal very high prices. They also force you to pay for a minimum of five photographs.

Overcharging for food and drinks

Small vendors and hawkers at Nizami Street and Baku Boulevard sell overpriced snacks and water bottles that have no retail price mentioned on them. Stick to organized stores and shops when buying food or drinks in Azerbaijan.

Nizami street shop and people moving around
Nizami Street (Source)

Porter Scams

When at airports or Railway stations, look out for porters who will pick and carry your luggage without asking for your permission and later ask for hefty payments for doing so. Make sure to deny their help if you don’t need it as soon as they try to get your luggage.

Not returning the change after payment

A lot of taxi drivers and shopkeepers refuse to return the change when you make a payment. To avoid this, always carry smaller bills to make small payments. You can also prefer card transactions wherever possible.

Scams at Bars and Clubs

While visiting nightclubs and bars, you might come across people trying to befriend you and suggest having drinks or a meal together at a bar of their choice. Once you have had a few drinks, they leave without paying and you are asked to pay hefty bill amounts. Do not agree to go to a club with strangers who approach you while being overfriendly. In such cases you can also make sure to choose a bar yourself. Ask for the price menu beforehand when visiting a bar or a restaurant to avoid being overcharged later.

Two cocktail glass
(Representational image)

Health and Medical Considerations

  • While tap water is generally safe to drink in major cities, it's advisable to stick to bottled water to avoid any potential health issues. 
  • Regions like Gobustan and countrysides like Sheki and Khinalug have rough terrains for hiking. Make sure you are medically fit before exploring these regions on foot. 
  • Azerbaijan is known for its ski destinations and cable car rides at Shahdag and Gabala. These rides go up to mountain peaks and are not recommended for people with fear of heights. The same goes for the funicular ride and the Baku Eye in Baku.

Follow Local Laws and Regulations

  • If you plan to stay in the country for more than 15 days, it is essential to register yourself at a place of residence with State Migration Service.
  • Carry a copy of your passport/travel document with you when you go out. Police can occasionally stop and check the identity or travel documents of tourists.
  • Obtain proper permits before buying antiques or cultural artefacts as it's illegal to export them without an official certificate and receipt of purchase. Export rules apply to religious objects, carpets, artworks and caviar hence, check with local authorities before exporting them.
  • If planning to trek Mount Bazrduzu, apply for a permit from the State Border Service & Ministry at least 15 days before the hiking day. 
  • Tourists are prohibited from traveling to Nagorno-Karabakh due to previous military and political action in the area.

Understanding Local Customs and Culture

One of the first steps in planning a trip to Azerbaijan is understanding the local customs and culture. While Azerbaijan is a modern and cosmopolitan country, it still retains strong ties to its cultural heritage. 

  • Be aware of mentioning Armenia in any context as there might be some intolerance among locals due to the political conflict between these two countries.
  • Dress modestly when visiting religious sites. 
  • Same-sex relations, although legal, are not widely accepted by the people, and public displays of affection are frowned upon, especially in more conservative areas. 
  • Azerbaijani men respect women and a way to show that is by giving up their seats to women in public transport. Tourists are expected to do the same. 
  • Removing shoes before entering someone’s house is a way to show respect to the host. 
  • Bread is considered sacred in Azerbaijani culture and it should not be thrown away in a trash can or left at the ground where someone might step on it. 
  • Littering is also considered a taboo practice in the country hence, always use the trash bins when disposing of the garbage. 
  • Do not blow your nose in public as it is considered rude. 
  • Avoid making the OK sign with your thumb and index finger or use your finger to point at something or someone. These gestures are considered offensive by the local people.

Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure or planning a group trip with friends, exploring Azerbaijan can be an enriching and unforgettable experience. By following these travel advice and safety tips, you can navigate Azerbaijan with confidence and make the most of your time exploring its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes. Remember to stay vigilant, respect local customs, and embrace the spirit of adventure as you embark on your journey through this fascinating destination.

This post was published by Pranay Prasun

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