Madhyamaheshwar Questions & Answers

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Q. Can someone please help me to arrange full 4 days trip to Madhyameshwar including accommodation, stoppage, food and route of trek? Is accommodation available on reaching the temple. And does it needs to be pre-booked?

Lakhan Murmu

6 years ago
Yes accommodation is there in temple also in between route you can get homestay but finalise your night stay before sunset because very less number of hut are there in route.
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Lakhan Murmu

on Madhyamaheshwar Temple 6 years ago
Long trek starting from ransi village in between two three villages and hut were there for night stay and food, tea.Trek was bit difficult but after reaching to the temple all tiredness feel like sw (Read More)ept away with the cold wind over there.

Rohit Shroff

6 years ago
- Carry extra food and supplies with you, facilities are not present at proper intervals.
- Winters are quite cold but beautiful at the same time, so carry heavy woolens if travelling during the s (Read More)eason.
- Since most of the way to the s=destination is via trekking, make sure you carry a good pair of shoes.

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