Magnificent Temples in Salem for a Perfect Religious Getaway

Temples in Salem

Here is the list of 4 Magnificent Temples in Salem for a Perfect Religious Getaway

1. 1008 Lingam Temple, Salem

1008 Lingam Temple, Salem
Located in Ariyanoor, about 14 km away from Salem, 1008 Lingam is one of the most famous temples of the city. Devoted to Lord Shiva, the temple has 1008 Lingams placed in a way which 1007 Lingams surround the main one. The 1008th Lingam is the one with the statue of Nandi (a holy cow) placed in the front. The temple was constructed in 2010 and is m (Read More)anaged by a private department under the Vinayaka Mission.

2. Kalangi Siddhar Temple, Salem

Kalangi Siddhar Temple, Salem
The Kalangi Siddhar Temple of Salem is one of the 18 Tamil Siddha temples. It is well-known for the medicinal herbs that are believed to cure a wide array of ailments. Pilgrims visit the temple regularly to attend the various pujas and also to take a dip in the holy streams surrounding it. There are several perennial wells, small reservoirs and tin (Read More)y waterfalls present around the Kalangi Siddhar temple. The water that flows from these places is believed to have curative powers.

3. Kalipatti Kandaswamy Temple, Salem

Kalipatti Kandaswamy Temple, Salem
The Kandaswamy Temple, which is also known as Kalipatti, is a Murugan temple. It is one of the richest temples in the Salem district. The temple was built in the 18th century and is devoted to Lord Murugan. The Pazhani Kavundar founded the Kalipatti Kandaswamy Temple. It was built in the 18th century by Katteri Lakshmana Kavundar. ‘Karun Samb (Read More)al’ is derived from a snake’s poison and is used as an antidote to treat the devotees that visit the temple.

4. Kottai Mariamman Temple, Salem

Kottai Mariamman Temple, Salem
The Kottai Mariamman Temple is located on the banks of river Tirumanimutthar. It is regarded as one of the oldest pilgrimage centres of the city of Salem. The presiding deity at this temple is Goddess Kottai Mariamman. Pilgrims travel from near and distant places to seek blessings at this temple and to soak up the calm and quietness.

This post was published by Harshitha

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