What is a Travelogue?
A travelogue needs a central idea, which will be the backbone of your whole essay. Life lessons you’ve learned during the voyage, your reflections about the differences between the place where you live and the place you’ve visited, or at least some historic theme could serve as such a backbone.
- Travelogue can be in the form of photos, words, videos or a combination of any of these.
- If the travelogue is a post on your blog, send us a link to the same. If you are writing a fresh travelogue and do not have your own blog, attach the same in an MS Word file.
- The pictures forming part of the travelogue should also be attached separately in the e-mail. In case the images are not original, their sources need to be clearly mentioned.
How to Send Your Entries:
- Name
- Contact number
- Link of the travelogue or attached MS Word file, and
- Attached pictures forming part of the travelogue
to [email protected] with the subject “Entry for Travelogue Contest”.
- The travelogue which you will be sending to us should be based on travel to any place in India only.
- Plagiarized entries will be disqualified. We want your original, personal experience and thoughts on the trip you took.
- Entries which don’t mention the sources of pictures included in the travelogue will be disqualified.
- Travelogue should not be co-authored.
- Multiple entries from one person are allowed.
- Deadline for sending us the entries is
25th June, 11:59 pm30th June, 11:59 pm. - By submitting the entry, you will be giving Holidify the right to publish your entry. Only grammatical and punctuation errors (if any) will be modified and NOT the content.
Prize Details:
Check these out!

Golden Wood, Harley Estate, Sakleshpur (Source)

Chestnut Grove, Vijaypurv (near Chaukori) (Source)

Goldenwood, Sakleshpur Estate (Source)

Drone Lake, Balur (Source)

Balur Estate, Chikmagalur (Source)

CampLinger, Near Bangalore (Source)