Ernakulam Tour Packages

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Latest Reviews for Ernakulam


Gnanamuthu's Trip to Ernakulam

5 /5

(Written on 10 Mar, 2023)

We Mr.G.Jeyaraj and Mr.Mohandass would like to write a few of appreciation about our tour to ernakulam.we enjoyed the tour much.the success of the tour was possible only because of your nice arrangeme (Read More)nts.the travelling vehichle was convinent.a special word should be mentioned about the driver.he was gentle and good mannered.our lodging in alappuzha was very neat and satisfactory.our stay in boat house also was satisfactory.though we expected more keralian menu,the food that they provided were good and tasty.a word of honour,that i myself feel it is very cheaper one for a common people we will certainly recommend your tour group to our family and our friends . goodbye

Heart-felt gratitude and worm congratulation from the core of my heart to Evergreen Travel Company.

Sankar Kr Paul's Trip to Munnar, Ernakulam, Alappuzha (Alleppey), Trivandrum, Kanyakumari

5 /5

(Written on 05 Nov, 2016)

Mr. Renjith (Driver cum Guide), Executive Mr. Joicy George, Mr. Hari of Evergreen Travel Company, first of all take my heart-felt gratitude and worm welcome for the entire tour from the receiving date (Read More) 22.10.2016 around 03:35 hours at Ernakulam Town station to the end session of the trip. Entire credit goes to Evergreen Travel Company and special congrats to Mr. Renjith (Driver of vehicle no. KL-39F/7507 cum Guide) who was accompanied with us like a family member throughout the trip. We are really overwhelming by getting services, co-operation, help, reliability, loyalty, credibility, good behaviour is really appreciated. We are so satisfied throughout the journey that will never be forgotten by us. It was absolutely fine experience by me and my family that may enrich our experience. Having being got the services we really thankful to all members who were accompanied with us and rendered services throughout the trip. At last we have perceived that, this is not all about a business but there is also a true sense of love, co-operation and guide. We really miss all of you and so long we shall exist in this globe we shall never forget your hospitality and co-operation. We are so pleased that in future national and International tour my family and I will first consider Evergreen Travel Company. I would like to also convey the message through e-mail those who are going to outing please contact with Evergreen Travel Company and contact with me for having the travel experience. Regards:- Mr. Sankar Kumar Paul Barrackpore Kolkata -700120, West Bengal Contact no.:- +91 9051331645


SATYABAN's Trip to Ernakulam, Kanyakumari, Munnar

5 /5

(Written on 17 Jul, 2015)

We are so happy & thanks to East Wind Holiday tour (p) Ltd. B

Packages with Ernakulam