Places To Visit in Tanzania

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Here are the top 15 tourist places in Tanzania

1. Serengeti National Park

4.8 /5

1 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Serengeti National Park, located in northern Tanzania, is one of the world's most iconic wildlife parks. Spanning across an impressive 15,000 square kilometres, it is home to some of the most spectacular wildlife on earth, including the Big Five, the park is a must-visit for any wildlife enthusiast....

Best Time: January - March, June - October

2. Ngorongoro Conservation Area

4.2 /5

2 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is in Tanzania, west of Arusha City, covering about 8,292 square kilometres. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979, its main highlight is the impressive Ngorongoro Crater, known as the largest intact volcanic caldera globally. The crater is home to a dive...

Best Time: June - October

3. Tarangire National Park

4.2 /5

3 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Tarangire National Park is located in northeast Tanzania, close to Arusha. Covering around 2,850 square kilometres, it is named after the Tarangire River flowing through it. The park is well-known for its diverse wildlife, especially its large elephant population, including impressive tuskers. Taran...

Best Time: June - October

4. Dar-Es-Salaam

4.2 /5

4 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania 28
Tourist attractions

Dar es Salaam is Tanzania's largest city, located on the east coast of Africa. As a major commercial and financial hub, it is known for its bustling atmosphere, diverse culture, and vibrant markets. Originally a fishing village in the mid-19th century, it has transformed into a popular tourist desti...

Best Time: Mid-June to October

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5. Zanzibar

4.0 /5

5 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania 49
Tourist attractions

Zanzibar is a captivating archipelago in the Indian Ocean, just over 15 miles from Tanzania's coast. It's famous for its stunning beaches like Nungwi, Kendwa, and Paje, as well as its rich history and unique blend of African and Arab cultures. The historic Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, i...

Best Time: June - October

6. Lake Manyara National Park

3.8 /5

6 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Lake Manyara National Park is located in Tanzania's Great Rift Valley region, covering about 330 square kilometres. The park gets its name from the beautiful alkaline Lake Manyara, which makes up a significant portion of the park. Known for diverse wildlife, it's especially famous for large elephant...

Best Time: June - October

7. Mount Kilimanjaro National Park

3.9 /5

7 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro National Park is situated in northeast Tanzania, covering about 1,688 square kilometres. The park is famous for Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest point, reaching 5895 meters at its peak. Unlike traditional safaris, the park is known for mountain climbing, attracting travellers gl...

Best Time: January - March, September - October

8. Nyerere National Park

3.5 /5

8 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Nyerere National Park is located in southeastern Tanzania, spanning 30,893 square kilometres, making it Africa's largest standalone national park and one of the world's largest. Despite its immense size, the park is relatively unexplored and famous for its abundant wildlife. It hosts a dense populat...

Best Time: June - October

9. Ruaha National Park

3.5 /5

9 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Ruaha National Park is a massive wildlife reserve in Tanzania's Iringa region, covering an area of 20,000 square kilometers. It became Tanzania's largest national park in 2008 when it merged with the nearby Usangu Game Reserve. Ruaha is home to around 10% of the world's lion population and ranks thi...

Best Time: June - October

10. Mikumi National Park

3.3 /5

10 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Mikumi National Park, located near Morogoro in Tanzania, is a vast wildlife reserve that borders the famous Selous Game Reserve. Covering 3,230 square kilometres, it provides opportunities to encounter four of the big five animals (excluding rhinos). The park's Mkata floodplain is a great place to o...

Best Time: June - October

11. Gombe Stream National Park

3.2 /5

11 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Gombe Stream National Park is in Tanzania's Kigoma Region, and although it's one of the country's smallest parks at just 35 square kilometres, it's highly significant. This park is closely linked to the renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, whose groundbreaking research transformed our understanding ...

Best Time: June - October

12. Katavi National Park

3.0 /5

12 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Katavi National Park, situated in western Tanzania, is a vast and remote wilderness spanning about 4,471 square kilometres. As the third-largest national park in Tanzania, it remains largely untouched. Visitors can observe four of the Big Five - elephants, lions, buffaloes, and leopards. The park is...

Best Time: June - October

13. Arusha National Park

3.0 /5

13 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Arusha National Park is situated northeast of Arusha city in Tanzania, spanning around 552 square kilometres. It features Tanzania's fifth-highest mountain, Mount Meru, and is famous for its diverse wildlife, particularly the world's largest giraffe population. While it doesn't have the Big Five, th...

Best Time: June - October

14. Jambiani

3.0 /5

14 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania

Jambiani is a collection of villages located on the southeastern coast of Zanzibar, which is part of the Tanzanian island of Unguja. It is known for its stunning Jambiani Beach, where visitors can enjoy a relaxed and slow-paced life amidst the tropical beauty of the area. Originally an old fishing v...

Best Time: June - October

15. Arusha

2.9 /5

15 out of 15
Places to visit in Tanzania 22
Tourist attractions

Arusha City, often dubbed the "Safari Capital" of Tanzania, is a small town nestled in the country's northern region. Arusha serves as the starting point for incredible adventures, like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or exploring Tanzania's famous national parks: Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire, and La...

Best Time: June - October

FAQs on Tanzania

What is the currency of Tanzania?

Tanzanian Shilling is the currency of Tanzania. Cards like Mastercard and Visa are accepted here but it is recommended that they should only be used as a backup as 10% surcharges are applied. Therefore, it is recommended that you carry cash.

What is the history of Tanzania?

Tanzania is one of the oldest,Êcontinuously inhabited areas on earth. It can be traced back 2 million years and be proved by the fossils found in the Serengeti plain. In later years, the trade centres of coastal region and islands brought in merchant communities from India and China. The European merchant sailors came in the 1400s while the Portuguese were removed by an Afro-Arab army in 1698. Zanzibar, capital Od Sultan of Oman, became the capital of slave trade. By the 19th century, Britain and Germany sent its explorers. Germany ruled from 1886 until the end of Worl War I until Britain took over. After Tanganyika and Zanzibar gained independence in 1964, Tanzania was formed. Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) became the dominant political force under Julius Nyerere from 1964- 1985. Now, Tanzania is a one party dominant country withChamam Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party in power/ The current president, John Pombe Magufuli was sworn into office in 2015.

What is unique about culture of Tanzania?

Tanzanian culture is an amalgamation of African, Arab, European & Indian cultures.Its society places a lot of emphasis on family values and strict morals. Marriages are arranged traditionally, and divorce, albeit legal, is frowned upon. Muslim law permits polygamy, but most people don't opt for it due to the expenses. Tanzania has a history of black magic known as 'Juju'. These are traditional spells, medicines, and cures that are used to cure ailments by the believers. Swahili and English are the official languages. Although, over a 100 different languages are spoken. Major religions practised in Tanzania include Islam, Christianity, and traditional African religions. Some of the other religions practised include Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism.

How is Tanzania divided into regions?

Tanzania can be divided into Central Tanzania, Northeast Tanzania, Northwest Tanzania, Pembwe and the Southeast, Southern Highlands, and Zanzibar.Central Tanzania is a plateau which is where the capital city of Dodma city is located. Kilimanjaro is on the Northeast side of Tanzania. Africas's great lakes flow through Northwest Tanzania.Serengeti National Park is also located here.Pembwe and the Southeast is the hot humid region of Tanzania. It includes the former capital Dar-es-Salaam and most of the country's Indian Ocean coastline. Zanzibar is the coastal island consisting of the beautiful coral reefs.

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