Amarkantak Restaurants

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Food of Amarkantak

Amarkantak has a majority population of Hindus and also because it is considered as the Land Of Temples, finding non vegetarian food in this city will be next to impossible. Hence, the city predominantly follows a vegetarian cuisine with the conventional delicacies from all of India being available. A lot of restaurants aren't available, though one will come across a lot of Dharamshalas where people get food.

Here are the top 2 restaurants in Amarkantak:

1. Hotel Shree Mata Sadan

Sonunmuda Road,ÊAmarkantak 484886,ÊIndia 
9:30AM-11PM(Monday-Saturday) & 10:30AM-7PM(Sunday)
INR 100-200

2. Sarvodaya Vishram Griha

Main Market, Amarkantak, Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh, India 
INR 300

Amarkantak Photos

Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh
Shri Yantra Mandir - Constructed by Acharya Mandaleshwar
Trimukhi Temple at Shri Yantra Mandir, Amarkantak
Sonmuda Valley - One of the Most Visited Tourist Attractions in Amarkantak

+ 28

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