Bangkok to Ayutthaya

   Bangkok to Ayutthaya Road Distance 79.5 km
   Bangkok to Ayutthaya Aerial Distance 69 km
  Bangkok to Ayutthaya Travel Time 1 hr 13 min

How to reach Ayutthaya from Bangkok

Traveling between Bangkok and Ayutthaya is straightforward and convenient. You have three main options for this journey: a bus, train, or private transfer. You can travel by both options, but the most traveled option is taking a minivan from Bangkok to Ayuttaya. Here's our guide on how to travel from Bangkok to Ayutthaya.

Knowing The Details

1. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Train
2. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Minivan
3. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Taxi
4. Popular Routes to Ayutthaya
5. Popular Routes from Bangkok
6. Places to Visit in Ayutthaya
7. Hotels in Ayutthaya

Ayutthaya Travel Packages

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1. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Train

Taking the train from Bangkok to Ayutthaya is the cheapest and a great way to travel there. 

Duration and Timings
The train journey takes 50 to 75 minutes to reach. Trains run throughout the day, starting from 7.27 AM and ending at 11.23 PM. 

Boarding points and Fares
The train usually departs from Don Mueang, Hua Lamphong, Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal, and Bang Sue Junction and reach Ayyuthaya. The fares range up to 100-500 THB according to seats and the type of train you choose.

2. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Minivan

Traveling from bangkok to Ayutthaya in one of the most accessible modes of transportation between the two places. 

Duration and Distance
It is about 80.6 kilometers in the distance, and it takes around 1-2 hours to reach.

Timings and Boarding Points
Minivans run throughout the day from 6 in the morning to 6:00 p.m. They depart from various bus stations like Mo Chit, Khao San, and Makasan, making it convenient to find one close to your location in Bangkok. 

The fares usually range from 100 to 500 THB depending upon the type of minivan, seat, and availability. Several service providers have different seating options, such as standard and VIP, from which you can choose suitably. 

The road trip from Bangkok to Ayutthaya typically involves traveling northward along major highways such as Phahonyothin Road (Route 1) and Route 32. From Bangkok's bustling streets, travelers head towards the historical city of Ayutthaya, passing through suburban areas and towns.

3. Bangkok to Ayutthaya by Taxi

Taking a private taxi to Ayutthaya from Bangkok is one of the fastest and most comfortable ways to travel there.

Distance Fares and Operators
The distance is around 80.6 kilometers; depending on the traffic conditions, it takes around 1 hour to reach. The fares are around 1000 to 1500 THB depending on the service provider and type of taxi service you choose;

The journey heads northward towards Ayutthaya, following highways such as Route 32 or Phahonyothin Road (Route 1). Along the way, passengers can enjoy views of urban landscapes, suburban areas, and the lush countryside of central Thailand.

Popular Routes to Ayutthaya

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Ayutthaya 1 hr 13 min 79.5 km

Popular Routes from Bangkok

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Pattaya 2 Hours 30 Mins 150 KM
Bangkok to Chiang Mai 8 hr 51 min 686.8 km
Bangkok to Koh Samui 11 hr 42 min 763.1 km
Bangkok to Hua Hin 2 hr 51 min 198.7 km
Bangkok to Ayutthaya 1 hr 13 min 79.5 km
Bangkok to Kanchanaburi 1 hr 45 min 124.6 km