A Little About Neel's Life

Personal Beliefs and Spirituality
Even as a teenager, she had a deep interest in religion, and she continued her faith by writing letters to God considering Jesus as her master. However, she slowly went on to reject Catholicism and developed a keen interest in Greek philosophy. It was this interest that gradually led her on to the path of discovering the spiritual traditions of Asia. She was intuitively drawn to Buddhist philosophy, especially to the life of Gautama Buddha and at the time placed a picture of Christ as well as Buddha in her bedroom.Education, College & Philosophy
In college, she went on to study Theosophy and English language skills and immersed herself into Buddhist art once she returned to Paris. This was a time when many women were not allowed to audit courses, whereas she went on to audit courses in Hindu philosophy, and Chinese Taoism at the College of France and the Sorbonne. It was then that she fearlessly became a Buddhist and made her first spiritual journey to India in the year 1889.Personal Identity As A Woman

Wedlock & Continued Journey
Later on, she went on to take everyone else by surprise when she was joined in wedlock to Philippe Neel, a successful and handsome engineer based in Tunis. However, she embarked on her journey in just a week after marrying her husband and began her 14-year long journey through Europe and Asia. Her husband continued to support her throughout her journey financially and offered her the economic security, which she lacked as a spinster.Further Endeavours - The Only Buddhist In Paris

Visiting Forbidden Locations
The story of Alexandra visiting the forbidden city Lhasa is almost too impossible to fathom and extremely fascinating to put in words. The country had been closed off to foreigners fearing any kind of encroachment and destruction by the British and Russian empire. She went on to spend almost two months hiding without detection living a hard life staying in peasant homes, sleeping on greasy cloths, and eating nauseating food. On the flip side, she was able to learn high physical endurance and also went on to study many rare manuscripts in ancient Sanskrit doctrines dating back to the 2nd and 6th Centuries C.E.A Writer's Journey
Among her first writings in Asian, she described two Chinese philosophers of the 5th Century C.E; “Meh-ti” (Mozi) and “Yang-Chu” (Yang Zhu). She also supported the views of Yang Zhu which claimed that“There is no God to dictate one’s behaviour, there is probably no soul, and therefore no life after death, all laws enacted by humans are false; each individual is a transitory combination of cells, and therefore one should only follow one’s instinct to survive and avoid suffering.”