Gili-air-islands to Bali

   Gili-air-islands to Bali Road Distance 98.3 km
   Gili-air-islands to Bali Aerial Distance 108 km
  Gili-air-islands to Bali Travel Time 2.5 to 4 hrs

How to reach Bali from Gili-air-islands

Travelling from Gili Air to Bali can be done by ferries and fast boat. You can also take a combination of bus/van +ferry. However the most the popular method is to travel is by fast boat.

Knowing The Details

1. Gili Air to Bali by Fast Boat
2. Gili Air to Bali by Bus/van + Ferry
3. Popular Routes to Bali
4. Popular Routes from Gili-air-islands
5. Places to Visit in Bali
6. Hotels in Bali

Bali Travel Packages

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1. Gili Air to Bali by Fast Boat

Duration and Fares
The journey takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours, between both the destinations and  depending on sea conditions and the exact route and fares usually 300,000 to 600,000 IDR  depending on operators.

Departure, Arrival Points and Operators
Fast Boats depart from Gili air and arrival at various ports in bali

Arrival ports
Padang Bai port 
It's the most popular and chosen port for traveling between these destinations. This port is near Kuta, Seminyak, or Ubud. 

Serangan Port
Some ferries also arrive at this port. It is located near South Bali, including areas like Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua.

Operators like Ekk Jaya, FreeBird Express, Ganggari Fast Boat, Gili Getaway, and Gili Fast Boat are popular operators who provide services on this route. These operators provide air-conditioned boats with lot other amenities.

2. Gili Air to Bali by Bus/van + Ferry

To travel from Gili Air to Bali by bus and ferry, there are lot of operators who provide combination services. The bus picks you up from your desired location and drops you gili air port from where you can board the boats. Upon arrival in Padang Bai, you can take a bus or taxi to your final destination in Bali. The total travel time is approximately 8 to 10 hours, and the cost ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 IDR.

Popular Routes to Bali

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Gili-trawangan to Bali 2-4 hrs 120 km
Gili-air-islands to Bali 2.5 to 4 hrs 98.3 km
Nusa-lembongan to Bali 30 min to 2 hrs 41.9 km
Nusa-penida to Bali 30 to 45 mins 52.7 km

Popular Routes from Gili-air-islands

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Gili-air-islands to Bali 2.5 to 4 hrs 98.3 km