The Disa uniflora, also known as Pride of Table Mountain, is a showy orchid that blooms under waterfalls, along streamlets and seeps on the top and upper slopes of Table Mountain and the Back Table, in JanuaryMarch.[15] (Source)
Geological structure of Table Mountain. Compare with the map in this section.[8] (Source)
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Geology of Table Mountain in relation to the geology of the rest of the Cape Peninsula. (Source)
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Satellite image of Table Mountain, surrounded by Cape Town (Source)
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A king protea growing in Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos on Table Mountain (Source)
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Silver trees (Leucadendron argenteum) only occur naturally on the granite and clay soils of the Cape Peninsula, surrounding Table Mountain and the Back Table.[13][14] A few tiny patches, possibly planted there early in the Cape Colony's history, occur near Stellenbosch, Paarl and Somerset West.[13] This photo was taken on Lion's Head, looking towards the Twelve Apostles. (Source)
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Indigenous forest on Table Mountain, with Devils Peak visible in the distance (Source)