Holyrood Palace Images

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Holyrood Palace
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The ruined nave of Holyrood Abbey (Source)
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The Murder of David Rizzio, painted in 1833 by William Allan (Source)
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The west range of the palace drawn around 1649 by James Gordon of Rothiemay, prior to reconstruction in the 1670s. (Source)
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A view of the palace and abbey in 1789 (Source)
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Holyrood Palace, waxed-paper negative by Thomas Keith, c. 1856. Department of Image Collections, National Gallery of Art Library, Washington DC (Source)
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The Quadrangle, designed by Sir William Bruce, reflects the Palace's monastic origins with its cloister-like layout (Source)
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Sir David Wilkie's portrait of the kilted George IV, which hangs in the Royal Dining Room. (Source)
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Bird's-eye view of the palace and abbey, including the western towers (Source)

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