1. Udaipur to Nathdwara by Bus
The road distance between Udaipur and Nathdwara is only 45 kilometers. Such a short distance can be covered quite easily by a bus in a matter of 1 to 2 hours. A total of 26 operators operate 90 different buses at all times of the day on this route, and thus reaching from Udaipur to Nathdwara by a bus is a breeze. These buses include those that are run by the government (RSRTC) as well as those that are operated privately. The best part of having so many buses running on this route is that passengers can choose whatever bus suits their timings, so that can they can reach Nathdwara as per their plans.
The first bus to leave for Nathdwara from Udaipur departs at 04:50, while the last bus leaves at 12:50. Almost all these buses take around 1 hour and 45 minutes to reach Nathdwara, but the time taken varies according to the traffic conditions and weather. Fares for these buses start from as low as INR 57, and then go on increasing depending on the bus that is chosen.
Most of the buses pass through important boarding terminals in Udaipur, so that travelers can board the bus from the location that is nearest to them. Boarding points in Udaipur include Udaipur Central Bus Stand, Subcity Centre, Hotel Sangam Building, Gujarat Travels, Shrinath Nandu Travels (opposite Pratap Nagar Police Station) and the Udiyapull Bus Stand. On the other hands, the various dropping points in Nathdwara include the Nathdwara Bus stand, Chaudhary Petrol Pump and Nandu Srinath Travels.
Available Bus Options
2. Udaipur to Nathdwara by Car
The distance between Udaipur and Nathdwara can easily be covered in about 45 minutes to 1 hour by the road. Therefore, a lot of travelers prefer to either drive on their own, or hire a cab to reach Nathdwara, which is located at the top of the Aravalli hills. The advantage of booking a cab or taking your own vehicle is that you can halt anytime and anywhere, as per your own convenience. And there are a lot of interesting stopovers on the way from Udaipur to Nathdwara.
You can easily book a cab for yourself using online booking apps such as Ola and Uber, or you can opt for some other reliable outstation taxi service providers, such as Rajasthan Taxi Services. The fares for this journey depend on the car that you choose, which in turn depends on the size of the group that you are traveling with. Opt for a small car such as a Swift Desire if you are traveling with family. This will cost you around INR 10/kilometre for the trip. If you are traveling in a larger group, you will have to book a bigger car such as an Innova or Mahindra Xylo, which can cost you around INR 13-16/kilometre.
Routes Available
Travelers take the NH58 to reach from Udaipur to Nathdwara. This route will take you through the Sukher Road and Bhuwana Bypass, and you should be able to reach your destination in just an hour.