Best Time to Visit Selangor

What is the best time to visit Selangor?

Selangor experiences a humid tropical climate throughout the year with barely any variation. The climate is hot and humid all year round along with the expectation of rainfall.

It is recommended to visit Selangor between the months of June and August to experience the best weather conditions. These months are warm and the driest with 7 – 9 days of precipitation. During the other months, the precipitation rate is quite high which can cause a hindrance in enjoying all the activities.

Monthly Weather in Selangor

Month Avg. Minimum (°C) Avg. Maximum (°C)
January 23 32
February 22 33
March 23 33
April 23 33
May 24 33
June 24 32
July 23 32
August 23 32
September 23 33
October 23 31
November 23 32
December 23 31