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When you arrived Sihanoukville you can go to Sihanoukville Port and then take GTVC Speed boat inform them to drop you off at Bakas Pier nearby Our resort. That Boat have three departure time 09:00AM, 12:00PM, 03:00PM when you take the boat you can inform us we’ll inform our staff to pick up you at Bakas Pier. Thank You! - Show on map
15 Nearby Attractions
White Beach
2.7 km
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9.2 km
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The Lazy Beach
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Koh Rong Samloem
11460.2 km
Coconut Beach
11460.2 km
Bioluminescent Plankton
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Southwestern Beach
11460.2 km
Long Set Beach
11460.2 km
Sok San Beach
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Jungle Zoo
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Koh Rong Diving
11460.2 km
Koh Rong Blob Jump
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High Point Adventure Park
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Sok San Waterfall
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Saracen Bay Beach
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