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Corner of 9 street & Strand Road - Show on map
15 Nearby Attractions
Shwedagon Pagoda
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Sule Pagoda
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Kandawgyi Lake
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Inya Lake
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Yangon Chinatown
10661.4 km
Botataung Pagoda
10661.4 km
Bogyoke Aung San Market
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Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple
10661.4 km
National Museum Yangon
10661.4 km
Yangon City Hall
10661.4 km
U Thant House
10661.4 km
Kandawgyi Garden
10661.4 km
Yangon Zoo
10661.4 km
Kaba Aye Pagoda
10661.4 km
Yangon Central Railway Station
10661.4 km
Bogyoke Aung San Museum
10661.4 km
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