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petra night hostel petra night hostel - Show on map
15 Nearby Attractions
Royal Tombs
1.2 km
The Monastery
1.2 km
Petra Museum
1.2 km
Petra Theatre
1.2 km
Tomb of Aaron
1.2 km
Sextius Florentinus Tomb
1.2 km
Lion Triclinium
1.2 km
Urn Tomb
1.2 km
Souvenir Shopping
1.9 km
Obelisk Tomb
2.4 km
Hiking in Petra
2.6 km
The Siq
2.9 km
The Treasury
3.4 km
Tomb of Unayshu
3.8 km
Street of Facades
4.1 km
The Dam
4.1 km
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