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652 US Highway 1 and 9 South - Show on map
15 Nearby Attractions
Independence Park
1.8 km
Lincoln Park
2.2 km
Jesse Allen Park
2.5 km
Riverbank Park
2.8 km
Mildred Helms Park
2.9 km
Riverfront Park
3.1 km
Nat Turner Park
3.1 km
Military Park
3.4 km
Washington Park
3.8 km
Weequahic Park
4.2 km
Liberty Park
4.7 km
Vailsburg Park
5.6 km
Branch Brook Park
5.7 km
West Side Park
7.1 km
Ivy Hill Park
7.6 km
The Newark Museum of Art
176.5 km
See All Attractions