i got there after dark, and it was dark, was hard to find and confusing with address given. door knocking and store clerk questioning was no help. finally a tenant, think name Will, llooked at photo of apartment and recognized the cross wood hatch work on the upper porch he could see from his pace and showed me up dark path past his property. with better air conditioner and shades on the three main skylights you could keep it much cooler, and when air conditioner condenser kicked in it was disturbing. tried to stop the grind and rattle and saw air filter was so dirty you could not see light through it, so washed that and put back hoping that would help with circulation, living room fan when i got there read 87 degrees. light switches was big challenge to discover, if at all, can the light in bath room be switched off, couldnt find switch.no lights on inside when i got there about 9:30 pm, except in bathroom. i am 62 and the height of the ceiling in the space is against the wall down the middle but there were the pieces of furniture along that wall from kitchen to bedroom. you could have put those under the lower part of roof and still have their access but with out the ducking and dodging the roof on you need to do to walk around the pieces agains wall. thats enough thoughts on maybe some tweaks. but really need to work on little diagram, map to get there first. women i called with questions was really no help with description, even had her talking to Will, and he couldnt follow. finally gave up, never was a follow up call from anyone to see what happened or if i found it or not.
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