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1.0 kms from city centre
# 1 out of 2 Hostels In Como
(2980 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Garden, Concierge Service
Hostel with 12 room options
2.0 kms from city centre
# 2 out of 2 Hostels In Como
(253 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Garden, Concierge Service, Food
Hostel with 7 room options
However, you can try some of these similar properties.
5.4 kms from city centre
(1781 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pets Allowed, Garden
Aparthotel with 5 room options
900 m from city centre
(1346 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed
Aparthotel with 3 room options
Como City Centre 400 m from city centre
(1293 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi
Apartment with 3 room options
1.1 kms from city centre
(1053 reviews)
Apartment with 8 room options
Como City Centre 500 m from city centre
(1002 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pets Allowed
4 star apartment with 4 room options
(890 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Food, Shuttle Service
Aparthotel with 2 room options
400 m from city centre
(901 reviews)
Apartment with 4 room options
Como City Centre 200 m from city centre
(2388 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Garden, Shuttle Service
Aparthotel with 10 room options
500 m from city centre
(807 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Beach, Garden, Shuttle Service
Aparthotel with 17 room options
600 m from city centre
(635 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Shuttle Service
Apartment with 2 room options
(566 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Concierge Service, Food
4 star aparthotel with 7 room options
3.8 kms from city centre
(483 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Garden, Food, Shuttle Service
(500 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Concierge Service, Food, Shuttle Service
6.7 kms from city centre
(419 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Garden, Children's Playground, Food
Farm stay with 2 room options
1.5 kms from city centre
(426 reviews)
Como City Centre 300 m from city centre
(396 reviews)
(390 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Food, Shuttle Service
Apartment with only 1 room option
(393 reviews)
4 star apartment with 7 room options
1.3 kms from city centre
(368 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Food
(356 reviews)
(344 reviews)
4 star apartment with 6 room options
Como City Centre 600 m from city centre
(328 reviews)
4 star apartment with 5 room options
5.3 kms from city centre
(309 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Garden
Apartment with 6 room options
6.4 kms from city centre
(298 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Garden, Food
9.6 kms from city centre
(287 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Spa, Pets Allowed, Beach, Pool, Garden, Concierge Service, Food, Shuttle Service
4 star farm stay with 5 room options
(275 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Garden
(265 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pets Allowed, Food
2.4 kms from city centre
(264 reviews)
7.7 kms from city centre
(234 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Food
Inn with 3 room options
(317 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Spa, Children's Playground, Food, Shuttle Service
4 star apartment with 3 room options
5.0 kms from city centre
(226 reviews)
2.9 kms from city centre
(225 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Beach
(239 reviews)
4 star apartment with 2 room options
700 m from city centre
(222 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Shuttle Service
800 m from city centre
(212 reviews)
2.2 kms from city centre
(209 reviews)
8.0 kms from city centre
(201 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Garden, Food, Shuttle Service
(206 reviews)
(190 reviews)
(204 reviews)
2.8 kms from city centre
(187 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Food
(200 reviews)
(183 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Shuttle Service
(175 reviews)
Facilities: Pets Allowed
(182 reviews)
300 m from city centre
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