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50 Hotels Near Lovina Beach

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FAQs on Hotels Near Lovina Beach

How much does it cost to stay at Hotels Near Lovina Beach?

On an average, Hotels Near Lovina Beach costs around INR 2,165,028 per night.

What are the best Hotels Near Lovina Beach?

Some of the best Hotels Near Lovina Beach are Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort & Spa, U Paasha Seminyak Bali, Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu

How much is a Hotels Near Lovina Beach for this weekend?

The average price per night for a Hotels Near Lovina Beach for this weekend is INR 2,165,028

What are the best Hotels Near Lovina Beach with a pool?

Best Hotels Near Lovina Beach with a pool are Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort & Spa, U Paasha Seminyak Bali, Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu

Suggest some Hotels Near Lovina Beach with good wifi?

Best Hotels Near Lovina Beach with wifi availability are are Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort & Spa, U Paasha Seminyak Bali, Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu

What all are the best Hotels Near Lovina Beach for a weekend stay?

Some of the best Hotels Near Lovina Beach for a weekend stay are Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort & Spa, U Paasha Seminyak Bali, Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu

Best time for a staycation in Bali?

April to September is the best time to visit Bali due to less rainfall. The tropical island, though warm and humid can be broadly divided into two seasons - the dry season (April - October) and the wet season (November - March). For tourists who would like to enjoy the crowds, nightlife and vibe of Bali, July, August and December are the peak times to visit this province.

The months from May - September is the best time for water-based activities like scuba diving and snorkelling due to the best weather conditions. January - April is the low-season in Bali, with significant slashes on prices and cheaper accommodation. Additionally, these months see torrential rain and things get quiet around the province.

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