How much does it cost to stay at Resorts In Bodh Gaya?
On an average, Resorts In Bodh Gaya costs around INR 1,992 per night.
What are the best Resorts In Bodh Gaya?
Some of the best Resorts In Bodh Gaya are Hotel Bodh Vilas, Maya Heritage, The Bodhgaya Hotel School
How much is a Resorts In Bodh Gaya for this weekend?
The average price per night for a Resorts In Bodh Gaya for this weekend is INR 1,992
What are the best Resorts In Bodh Gaya with a pool?
Best Resorts In Bodh Gaya with a pool are Marasa Sarovar Premiere, Bodhgaya, Maha Bodhi Hotel.Resort.Convention Centre, Hotel Star
Suggest some Resorts In Bodh Gaya with good wifi?
Best Resorts In Bodh Gaya with wifi availability are are Hotel Bodh Vilas, Maya Heritage, The Bodhgaya Hotel School
What all are the best Resorts In Bodh Gaya for a weekend stay?
Some of the best Resorts In Bodh Gaya for a weekend stay are Hotel Bodh Vilas, Maya Heritage, The Bodhgaya Hotel School
Best time for a staycation in Bodh Gaya?
October to March is ideal for a visit according to the weather conditions, but tourists flock here throughout the year. Post-October, a lot of monks, flock from Dharamshala to Bodh Gaya and the city is coloured with maroon robes. Dalai Lama himself spends some time here during December and January. Visitors also flock here in the month of Vaisakh (April-May) to celebrate the Buddha Purnima, the auspicious day when Siddhartha had attained enlightenment.