Bathukamma 2025 - Festival of Telangana

Dates September 21 to September 22
Venue Telangana
Bathukamma Festival is an annual Telangana celebration that lasts nine days. Celebrated from September to October, according to the Gregorian calendar, its timing collides with the Navratri festival. The festival is filled with many colorful exotic flowers of the region and symbolizes the collective spirit of the people of Telangana.

When is the Bathukamma 2025?

It is celebrated during September and October in the latter half of the monsoon. The rain fills the dry lakes and ponds, and the nine days celebration of this vibrant festival looks even more beautiful. Bathukamma in 2025 will begin on September 21 and the first day of Bathukamma will be on September 22.

Nine Days of Bathukama - Saddula and Pedda Bathukamma

Engili pula Bathukamma
Atkula Bathukamma
Muddapappu Bathukamma
Nanabiyyam Bathukamma
Atla Bathukamma
Aligina Bathukamma
Vepakayala Bathukamma
Vennamuddala Bathukamma
Saddula Bathukamma

The Venue of Bathukama 2025

This is the festival of Telangana and is generally celebrated by the Hindus. Women and young girls celebrate this festival in their respective localities. Everyone eagerly waits for this festival; even the men of the household help prepare for the celebration.

Why is Bathukama Celebrated? About the Festival and its Importance

This festival is to pray to the Goddess for the health and achievements of each family. Young women of the Hindu household get to pray to the Goddess for a husband of their choice. It also is a chance to teach young girls how to take care of their future husbands and in-laws.

Meaning of Bathukama

Bathukamma means “Mother Goddess come to life”. It represents the culture and identity of the people of Telangana and involves the worship of Maha Gauri - “Life Giver” in the form of Gauri Devi (patron goddess of womanhood). 

Bathukamma festival
Bathukama Festival

Preparations for Bathukama Festival

The festival involves young women arranging flowers in stacks and making rangoli to start the celebrations. The men also help celebrate this festival by aiding in the preparations by collecting the different vibrant colors of flowers such as Marigold, Lotus, and Senna. Some women dip a few flowers in various vibrant colors and then arrange them on a wide plate stacked.

Performing the Rituals

The rituals of this festival are performed by Hindu women, especially young girls, who gather around in large numbers in their local areas during the evening. They then form a circle and perform the ritual, which involves them singing a folk song and revolving around the Bathukamma while clapping their hands and walking in synchronized steps. This entire performance invokes the goddess's blessings for good health and prosperity for their families. 

Last day of the festival
A woman at the Festival

This nine-day festival that concludes on Durgashtami includes a kind of food offering every day that is easy to prepare such young girls can also participate. On the last day, there is a massive celebration with drums, music, and energy of the people as they take the Bathukamma to the water bodies to immerse themselves. The women carry the stacks of flowers on their heads to the nearest large water body. Since everything used during the festival is biodegradable, there is no harm done to the water bodies. This entire ritual is a visual treat for everyone on the outside. One is travelling to a different world when witnessing this and so this festival should be on your checklist.

Women Celebrating the Bathukamma festival
Women Celebrating the Bathukamma Festival

Origin Story of Bathukama

There are a few myths about how the festival came into being in the Hindu religion. One of them is that in the Chola Dynasty, A king named Dharmangada used to rule South India. His wife had lost a hundred sons and was now praying to Goddess Lakshmi for another child, and then they were blessed with a girl. She survived many unforeseen accidents as a child and hence was named Bathukamma. The festival is eagerly looked forward to by Hindu women so they can pray for the health and prosperity of their household from the “Mother of Life.”

Celebration of Bathukamma
Celebration of Bathukama

The festival brings out nature's beauty, and the entire celebration is eco-friendly. The preparations and rituals are so colorful and unique that they bring joy and happiness to the audience.

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