The majestic city of cape town might have been on your bucket list for its exotic beaches, splendid nightlife and award-winning restaurants. However, the city has so much more to offer that often goes overlooked, and we bet to provide you with the best of the facts below about the capital city that will knock your socks off!
1. Half Way Point for Ships
The city's history is fascinating as its purpose was to serve as the halfway point for ships sailing towards the east when it was founded by Jan van Riebeeck of the Dutch East India Company back in 1652.
2. Cape Town is Second Most Populated City
It is the second most populated city in South Africa, with a whopping 3.5 million people residing in the city.
3. Nelson Mandela's Historic Speech was Made in Cape Town

The city holds a rich history, and it is the balcony of Cape Town City Hall where the historical speech was made by Nelson Mandela on 11 February 1990 after being released from prison and intensely fighting against apartheid for years.
4. Almost Half of Cape Town's Population is Young
The city comprises youth under the age of 25, forming 43% of the city’s total population as per the 2011 census and is regarded as one of the ‘youngest cities in Europe, with an average age of only 29 years, even beating the city of London and Brussels.
5. The Mother City
Cape town is referred to as the “mother city” in South Africa as the first European settlement was laid there.
6. Situated at the Tip of Cape Peninsula
It is situated at the tip of the north of the Cape Peninsula and is about 50 kilometres to the southmost frontier, the north of the Cape of Good Hope.
7. Cape Town is home to 10 Blue Flag Beaches
The city of Cape Town is famous for its beaches that are not only beautiful but also extremely clean and meet high quality and environmental standards, making it the first city outside of Europe to have 10 of its beaches certified as Blue Flag in 2016 for their perfect standards of cleanliness, water quality, facilities, and safety.
8. Cape Town is Home to South Africa's Oldest Building
The oldest building in South Africa stands tall in the city of Cape Town, which was constructed by the Dutch East India company over a span of 13 long years from 1666 to 1679.
9. Home of Nelson Mandela for 18 Years
One of the most popular attractions of Cape Town is Robe Island which is where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for almost 18 years. The city’s government converted the island into a museum which enthrals its visitors reflecting on Mandela's prison years spent there.
10. South Africa's Nuclear Plant is in Cape Town
The capital city of South Africa is also home to the only nuclear plant in the country, the Koeberg power station which was opened in 1984 and is responsible for about 5% of South Africa's total energy production.
11. You Can Spot Penguins on Boulders Beach in Cape Town
The Boulders Beach, one of the most well-known beaches in the suburbs of Cape Town, is home to approximately 3000 African penguins. The boundaries of the beach are highly protected as the African penguins are considered endangered and are only found in the wilderness, scarcely scattered across the coasts of southern Africa and Namibia.
12. Home of the Table Mountains
Cape Town is the abode of the famous table mountain, the most visited destination of cape town undoubtedly, which is a flat-topped mountain offering breathtaking views of the city. This is a very popular spot among hikers as it is one of the most famous trails in cape town, along with the serene views of the city. It is also said that at least 4 couples get engaged at the mountain top every month!
13. Cape Town is Home to Almost 7000 Endemic Plant Species
Not just the table mountain, but cape town’s entire lush floral kingdom boasts about 7000 plant species that are endemic and can’t be found anywhere else on the planet. Fascinating, right?
14. World's First Heart Transplant was Conducted in Cape Town
The world's first heart transplant took place in the city of cape town in the Groote Schuur hospital on December 3, 1967.
15. Cape Town also Houses South Africa's Oldest Garden

South Africa's oldest garden, formally known as the ‘The Company’s Garden’, is located in the heart of the city of cape town. The saffron pear tree, the oldest cultivated pear tree, still stands tall in the veggie patch. This place now hosts a wide variety of indigenous plant species and has become a famous picnic spot in the lap of nature.
If these amazing facts strike a chord with you, head to the stunning city of Cape Town and dive deeper into the treasure of facts and history the city holds.