1. “If there is paradise on earth, it is this, it is this, it is this.”
2. Could only see stars for a few nights because the first phase of the moon popped up.
Without city lights to blind your eyes, the moon pretty much bathes everything is beauty, and washes out the stars. 
3. Horses are such gentle, hardworking creatures.
Like if you’re stuck on an edge, they’ll stop until you pass.
4. The colour of the reflection changed depending on the time of the day.
5. This looks way more peaceful than it actually is.
I almost fell into a melting glacier trying it :-O
6. Wabi-sabi
Even the impermanence of life is somehow appealingly beautiful.
7. Vishnusar Lake
8. The only sign of civilization you come across for days are The Shepherds.
Mohammad Yousuf, along with 3 others, manages some 2000 sheep. Funnily enough, an alert dog is enough to keep the hapless sheep from running off. At night, the sheep almost religiously do not move from their places, almost as if a bear/leopard might eat them if they lurk away from the group (which kind of makes sense now, coming to think of it).
9. The only semi permanent house we saw for days.
The kids told me they went to a school which took two hours to reach (which I doubted considering that there was absolutely no sign of civilization on either side for days). The shepherds mostly live in temporary tents till the winter.
10. Are they mud? Are they rocks? No, they’re sheep. And more sheep!
They’re so good at camouflage that you’d almost walk by them and not notice.
11. The Roads playing – The Bends
12. Mystic Clouds escaping through the Valleys.
13. There’s always time for some symmetry in Kashmir.
14. There was a ridiculous kind of haze in the light that I couldn’t understand.
15. That’s Raju - the Horse.
He functioned as an ambulance that would come to the rescue when the altitude started getting to people.
16. Never afraid to get my hands(Read: feet) dirty for clicking a good picture.
17. This is the last one from the list.
Above Photo-Blog was shared by Mayank Mark Susngi. You can check out more of his photos here