Official Spoken Language of Dubai - Arabic

Native Language in Dubai
Undoubtedly, Arabic is the native’s mode of expression but there is a catch. It is not the Arabic used in official places or the type found in Koran. It is significantly different from those, it is known as the Emirati dialect. Dialects can be treated as shades of the same vernacular. Moreover, the Emirati dialect is spoken in numerous forms by people of varying regions. Differences can be experienced in Abu Dhabi, the Eastern coasts and the Northern parts. Over the past few decades, Dubai has transformed into a closely-knit multi-ethnic country. Due to these strong impressions of English and some other Asian languages can be observed in Emirati Arabic. For example, 'Hala' is inspired from the English word 'Hello', ‘Seeda’ meaning straight has come from Urdu while spices are called 'Abzar' has its roots from the Persian word 'Afzar'. These adaptations speak off the diversity of the in the Emirati version.English – The Most Commonly Spoken Language

There are many tourist guides who can converse in English since its one of the most commonly spoken languages in Dubai. Signboards, hoardings and hotel names are written in Arabic as well as English. English also has influences on many of the endemic languages. To sum it up, English can be rightly described as the dominant voice of Dubai.
Languages by Immigrants

Useful Words and Phrases
Dubai is compatible with a plethora of languages. Asian tourists have higher chances of speaking in their mother tongue while their stay in Dubai. While European and American visitors will always have English to fall back on. But the sweet little gesture of trying to speak in their words will win the hearts of many. While there are several institutions to teach you Emirati Arabic, you can kick off with our collection of Arabic words and phrases with their meanings.Common Phrases:
- Marhaba - Hello
- Kaeefhalak - How are you?
- Sabah el Khair - Good morning
- Asef - Sorry
- MaAaes-Salama - Goodbye
- Massa el Khair - Good evening
- LaaAref - I don’t Know
- Shukran-Lak - Thank you
- NaAm/La - Yes/No
- MinFadlak - Please
- Tawaqaf - Stop
- Kam al Aadad - How many?
- Kamath-Thaman - How much?
- Maza/Man - Who?/What?
- Ayna/Lemaza - Where?/Why?
- Do you speak English? - halTaTaKalamalanglizia
- I don’t speak arabic - ana La ataKalam El Aarabya
- Nice to meet you - sarertuLemuqabalatek
- Can I drive here? - Hal yomkanany El qayadahona
- Is this the way to..? - Hal hazahowa et-tareeqela?
- I need a doctor - aHtajelaTabib
- Where can I buy…? - Aynayomkananyshera?
- Where is the bathroom? - Ayna Al Hamam
- Do you have a phone? - Hal Ladikahatef
- Where is the nearest cash machine? - AynaaqrabSarafaalee
- What is the time? - KamAlsaaa
- Kindly repeat - A Ed min Fadlik
- What’s up? - ShoofiMafi?
- See You Tomorrow - AshoofookBukra
- It is normal - Aadhi