What is Ruhr?

The Indian Ruhr

The valley also houses the three biggest steel factories – (Bokaro, Burnpur and Durgapur) in India and numerous micro and macro industries dealing with the extraction and utilization of natural resources. It is a major industrial belt of India with high capacity thermal and hydroelectric power plants.
The Minerals of Damodar
The mineral-rich valley is abundant in coal, iron and steel. Damodar Valley is a highly productive region of India as 90% of India’s coal raising areas are from the basins. 75% of the country’s coal deposits are within the Damodar valley. It is considered the prime centre of coking coal in the country. It also contains a group of hills that houses the world’s richest iron deposits and many rare and strategic minerals. The respective state government with the aid of the Central government are planning projects in the area and investing to build and enlarge this industrial nerve centre.Damodar River and the Dams

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)
It is inevitable that one talk about the Damodar Valley Corporation while talking about the valley. The DVC is the first multipurpose river valley project of Independent India and came into action on July 7, 1948. Built on the model of the Tennessee Valley Authority of The United States, its primary concerns were flood control, irrigation, generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, eco-conservation and afforestation, as well as job creation for the socio-economic well-being of the people residing in and around areas affected by DVC projects. Later, the Corporation started focusing on the construction of dams and the possibility of producing energy through these. Now, it actively works so as to rightfully utilize abundant resources of the valley.The Damodar valley rightly named the Ruhr of India is the solution to many economic and industrial problems. The valley’s rich plethora and variant natural resources make it one of the richest hubs of minerals in India as well as the world. The constant toiling of the DVC coupled with efforts from the State and Central governments will make the valley grow into one of the most productive and lucrative industrial hubs in the world.