Dresden has something for diners of all palates and pockets. Cuisines served are from around the globe - Far East to typical Saxon specialities. Neustadt is home to speciality restaurants serving European, Italian, Meditarranean, Turkish and so much more!
Dresden cuisine has a tinge of Bohemian influence, owing to the physical location of the city.
Meat, particularly in the form of pork and sometimes poultry along with a whole lot of vegetables constitute essential Saxony cuisine.
The meat is usually well marinated with vinegar and spices, so that it retains a certain aroma. Saxon Sauerbraten, is a regional speciality, beef braised after marination. Most of the main course meat dishes are served with sides of potato or bread dumplings. Assortment of cabbage like red cabbage, sauerkrat are also served. Pork sausages, wurst, are the ever popular fast food as well as wholesome meal options. Curry & Co, is one of the most sought after currywurst establishment, with their own home made sauces.
The Kartoffelsupp, a delicious thick creamy potato soup usually served with shrimps is a must try.
Desserts in Saxony are not the usual chocolate or fresh fruit based fare, rather they are quite unique. Dresdner Stollen, a rich sweet cake filled with fruits and nuts and topped with icing sugar hails from this region, but has worldwide acclaim. The Eierschnecke is a 3 layer cake with a Vanilla Quark filling, while the Quarkkeulchen, are sweet flat dumplings of potato and quark, topped with cinnamon sugar and apple sauce.
The tradition of kaffee und kuchen (coffee and cake) originated in Saxony and you must savour some in the Dresden cafes.
Germany is the land of beer. Each region brews their own special beer and every city will have atleast one local beer.
Dresden boasts of Radeberger, Feldschl_sschenā and Freiberger.
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