Da-nang to Hanoi Road Distance | 766 Km |
Da-nang to Hanoi Aerial Distance | 607 km |
Da-nang to Hanoi Travel Time | 1.5 Hours |
The Preferred way of Travelling from Da Nang to Hanoi
The distance between Hanoi and Da Nang is 766 km. The best way to traverse this long distance is to take a flight. Travelling by air is slightly expensive and you can opt for the train if you are on a budget. Else, air travel from Hanoi to Da Nang is very quick and easy.
1. Da Nang to Hanoi by Flight |
2. Popular Routes to Hanoi |
3. Popular Routes from Da-nang |
4. Places to Visit in Hanoi |
5. Hotels in Hanoi |
The aerial distance between Hanoi and Da Nang is 606 km. Travelling by air is the fastest mode of transport between the two cities as it takes only about two hours. It is also safe and comfortable. Currently, there are three airlines namely Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air and JetStar which have 20 flights flying everyday between Hanoi and Da Nang. The only issue with air travel is that it is quite expensive with a one-way flight ticket costing between VND 600,000 and VND 5,000,000 per person.
However, if you plan your trip beforehand and book your flight tickets at least three months before, the tickets can be cheaper. You can also save on money if you book a round trip ticket. You can book your flight tickets online. The best part about travelling by air is that you can save on time which you can use in exploring the place instead of spending it on long train or road journeys.
There is only one airport in each of the two cities. You will have to arrange for a taxi or a Grab car to transfer between your hotels and the airports in both Hanoi and Da Nang. Most hotels take care of the airport transfer either for a small fee or for free.
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Hue to Hanoi | 11 hr 17 min | 665.3 km |
Sapa to Hanoi | 6 Hours | 315 Km |
Halong-bay to Hanoi | 2.5 Hours | 125 Km |
Da-nang to Hanoi | 1.5 Hours | 766 Km |
Ho-chi-minh-city to Hanoi | 32 Hours | 1600 Km |
Ninh-binh to Hanoi | 2 Hours 30 Mins | 100 Km |
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Da-nang to Nha Trang | 9 hr 28 min | 526.1 km |
Da-nang to Hue | 2 Hours | 100 Km |
Da-nang to Hanoi | 1.5 Hours | 766 Km |
Da-nang to Hoi An | 40 Mins | 29 Km |