Lord Howe white-throated pigeon (Columba vitiensis godmanae) painted by George Raper, 1790 now extinct (Source)
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Bushwalking to Little Island (bottom right) Mount Lidgbird track (Source)
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A silhouette of Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball, the commander of HMS Supply (Source)
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The extinct white gallinule (Porphyrio albus). A drawing made in May 1788 by Arthur Bowes Smyth who was the surgeon aboard Lady Penrhyn, a ship of the First Fleet heading for China on its return trip to England (Source)
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Lord Howe Island Maritime Museum and Information Centre (Source)
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"Expedition to the South Seas: HMS Herald and steamship tender Torch" The Illustrated London News, 15 May 1852 (Source)
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The 1965 wreck of The Favourite in North Bay is a popular site (Source)
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The Island Trader, a fortnightly feature to the island, with the mountains in the background. (Source)