Gurgaon to Mcleodganj

   Gurgaon to Mcleodganj Road Distance 514 km
   Gurgaon to Mcleodganj Aerial Distance 431 km
  Gurgaon to Mcleodganj Travel Time 9 hours 25 mins

How to reach Mcleodganj from Gurgaon

Gurgaon and Mcleodganj are separated by a total distance of 524 kms that can easily be covered in several modes of transport that include flights, trains, buses or a combination of two or more of these. The nearest airport to Gurgaon is in Delhi and the nearest airport to Mcleodganj is Gaggal Airport that is around 17 kms from Mcleodganj. Although there are no direct trains available to Mcleodganj, the nearest railway station is in Pathankot which is around 90 kms from here. Alternatively, you can travel in a direct bus from Delhi to Mcleodganj. Or in case you are feeling a little adventurous, you can choose to travel in a car that you can drive on your own or maybe hire a private taxi. Have a look at the details of the transport mediums given below.

Knowing The Details

1. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Flight
2. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Train and Bus
3. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Bus
4. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Car
5. Popular Routes to Mcleodganj
6. Popular Routes from Gurgaon
7. Places to Visit in Mcleodganj
8. Hotels in Mcleodganj

Mcleodganj Travel Packages

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1. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Flight

Delhi Airport

Although there is Gaggal Airport which is situated just next to Mcleodganj in Himachal Pradesh, the nearest airport to Gurgaon is in Delhi which is the Indira Gandhi International Airport. But to reach the airport from Gurgaon, you will have to take a metro which is the easiest mode of commuting. Alternatively, you can also book a cab or take a bus to reach the airport. Here’s sharing the metro details to reach from Gurgaon to the Delhi Airport-
Boarding Station: Huda City Centre, Gurgaon
Deboarding Station: Delhi Aerocity or Delhi Airport (Depending on the Terminal)
Metro Line: Orange
Interchanging Station: New Delhi
Indira Gandhi International Airport

Although there is Gaggal Airport which is situated just next to Mcleodganj in Himachal Pradesh, the nearest airport to Gurgaon is in Delhi which is the Indira Gandhi International Airport. But to reach the airport from Gurgaon, you will have to take a metro which is the easiest mode of commuting. Alternatively, you can also book a cab or take a bus to reach the airport. Here’s sharing the metro details to reach from Gurgaon to the Delhi Airport-
Boarding Station: Huda City Centre, Gurgaon
Deboarding Station: Delhi Aerocity or Delhi Airport (Depending on the Terminal)
Metro Line: Orange
Interchanging Station: New Delhi

2. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Train and Bus

Delhi Metro

The nearest railway station to Mcleodganj is in Pathankot which is around 90 kms from Mcleodganj. And the nearest railway station to Gurgaon is also in Delhi and the trains depart from the New Delhi, Delhi and Delhi Sarai Rohilla. There are only four trains that run on the route i.e. from Delhi to Mcleodganj. Have a look at the train details-

Train 1: Durg Jat Exp

Boarding Station: New Delhi
Deboarding Station: Pathankot
Frequency of Trains: Thu Only
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 325
Departure Time: 7:50 AM
Arrival Time: 6:30 PM
Total Time Taken: 10 hours and 40 minutes

Train 2: Tata Jat Exp

Boarding Station: Delhi
Deboarding Station: Pathankot
Frequency of Trains: All Days
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 325
Departure Time: 9:50 PM
Arrival Time: 11:00 AM
Total Time Taken: 13 hours and 10 minutes

Train 3: Dauladhar Exp

Boarding Station: Delhi S Rohilla
Deboarding Station: Pathankot
Frequency of Trains: Mon, Wed & Fri
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 295
Departure Time: 11:15 PM
Arrival Time: 8:25 AM
Total Time Taken: 9 hours and 10 minutes

Train 4: Dli Ptk Sf Exp

Boarding Station: Delhi
Deboarding Station: Pathankot
Frequency of Trains: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 205
Departure Time: 8:25 AM
Arrival Time: 6:30 PM
Total Time Taken: 10 hours and 5 minutes
Delhi Railway Station

To reach these railway stations from Gurgaon, you can take a metro-
  • For New Delhi Railway Station
    Boarding Station: Huda City Centre
    Boarding Station Metro Line: Yellow
    Deboarding Station: New Delhi
    Deboarding Station Metro Line: Yellow
    Interchanging Station from Huda City Centre: None
  • For Delhi (Old Delhi) Railway Station
    Boarding Station: Huda City Centre
    Boarding Station Metro Line: Yellow
    Deboarding Station: Chandni Chowk Metro Station
    Deboarding Station Metro Line: Yellow Line Line
    Interchanging Station from Huda City Centre: None
  • For Sarai Rohilla Railway Station
    Boarding Station: Huda City Centre
    Boarding Station Metro Line: Yellow
    Deboarding Station: Shastri Nagar Metro Station
    Deboarding Station Metro Line: Red Line
    Interchanging Station from Huda City Centre: Kashmere Gate
Once you reach Pathankot, then you can take a bus to reach Mcleodganj from here which is only at a distance of 90 kms from here. There are public transport buses and taxis available outside the railway station in Pathankot that can take you to Mcleodganj in 2 to 3 hours.

3. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Bus

Kashmere Gate Bus Stand

In case you want to travel from Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in a bus, the nearest bus stand from where direct buses are available is Kashmiri Gate in Delhi. To reach there from Gurgaon, you need to take a metro-
For Kashmere Gate Bus Stand
Boarding Station: Huda City Centre
Boarding Station Metro Line: Yellow
Deboarding Station: Kashmiri Gate Metro Station
Deboarding Station Metro Line: Yellow Line/ Red Line
Interchanging Station from Huda City Centre: None
There are several direct buses available from Kashmere Gate to Mcleodganj. Have a look at the details-
Starting Ticket Fare: INR 842
Approx. Time Taken: 11 hours to 12 hours

4. Gurgaon to Mcleodganj in Car

Way to Dharamshala

Another way to travel from Gurgaon to Mcleodganj is by road i.e. in a car. While you can book a private cab or taxi, you can also choose to drive down on your own in case you are feeling a little adventurous and want a little thrill. The roads are blessed with immense scenic beauty and you can spot the hills as soon as you near Mcleodganj. On the way, you can also halt and enjoy some roadside refreshments like maggi and chai. The total time taken to finish this journey is between 10 to 11 hours and the starting cab fares begin from INR 5000.

Popular Routes to Mcleodganj

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Delhi to Mcleodganj 8 hours 36 mins 477 km
Chandigarh to Mcleodganj 5 hours 9 mins 248 km
Gurgaon to Mcleodganj 9 hours 25 mins 514 km
Shimla to Mcleodganj 6 hours 29 mins 240 km
Manali to Mcleodganj 6 hours 36 mins 236 km
Mumbai to Mcleodganj 1 day 6 hours 1,897 km

Popular Routes from Gurgaon

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Gurgaon to Agra 3 hours 37 mins 235 km
Gurgaon to Jaipur 3 hours 59 mins 234 km
Gurgaon to Delhi 1 hour 12 mins 42.1 km
Gurgaon to Nainital 6 hours 49 mins 314 km
Gurgaon to Mussoorie 7 hours 22 mins 317 km
Gurgaon to Mount Abu 10 hours 49 mins 724 km