Shimla and Mcleodganj are separated by a distance of around 238 kms that can be covered in a number of ways. The nearest airport to Shimla is in Chandigarh from where you can take a flight to Dharamshala. Or you can also travel in a bus again from Shimla to Mcleodganj in a bus which is one of the easiest ways to commute. Another very convenient way is to book a private cab or taxi from Shimla. Alternatively, you can also drive down on your own. We have compiled an elaborate list of transport mediums from Shimla to Mcleodganj. Have a look.
Source Although there is an airport in Dharamshala, at a distance of 10 kms from Mcleodganj. But there is none in Shimla. The nearest one is in Chandigarh which is at a distance of 113 kms from here. There are direct flights available from Chandigarh to Mcleodganj. Air India is the only operator on the route. Have a look at the flight details. Departure Airport: Chandigarh International Airport Arrival Airport: Gaggal Airport Starting Ticket Fares: INR 1921 Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour and 10 minutes Source Once you land at Chandigarh, you can take a bus from here to Mcleodganj. There are several buses that run from Chandigarh to Mcleodganj at different times of the day. The total distance of 113 kms can easily be covered in 6 to 8 hours. Starting Ticket Fares: INR 699 Approx. Time Taken: 6 hours to 8 hours
2. Shimla to Mcleodganj in Bus
Source The easiest and the most hassle free way to reach from Shimla to Mcleodganj is in a bus. Several buses run on the route at various timings of the day. The tickets and total time taken may vary depending on the type of seats and the type of bus that you choose to travel in. Starting Ticket Fares: INR 290 Approx. Time Taken: 9 hours to 15 hours
3. Shimla to Mcleodganj in a Car
Source Another easy way to travel from Shimla to Mcleodganj is in a car. There are two ways to do this also- you can book a private cab or taxi or you can also choose to drive down if you are looking for a little thrill and adventure. The roads are blessed with beautiful scenic views of the hills and lush green valleys. You can also stop on the roadside stalls to relish a steaming cup of tea and other refreshments. The total journey can be covered in around 7 hours. And the cab fares start from INR 4000 and rise up depending on the kind of car you choose.