1. Shimla to Chandigarh by Bus
The distance between Shimla and Chandigarh via bus is about 114 km. On average, it takes about 3 hours to cover the entire distance. There are a few buses operators that provide for this trip. Since these are popular tourist destinations in the north, tickets sell out quickly. It is recommended to book tickets as soon as possible to secure good seats.
Shimla to Chandigarh By Bus
Laxmi holidays
Volvo A/C Semi Sleeper (2+2)
3h 40m
Volvo A/C Semi Sleeper (2+2)
₹ 628
2. Shimla to Chandigarh by Car
The driving distance between Shimla and Chandigarh is about 114 km. It takes about 3 to 3 and a half hours to reach Chandigarh. The smooth highways and serene view make this a beautiful and enjoyable road trip. The hilly terrain and elevated roads may be a cause for a slight hassle, but the beauty of north India makes up for it entirely. One can take NH 5 to make this journey, as it is the quickest route. There is a fair amount of traffic on the route, but it is relatively faster than the others. There are ample places to stop and eat on the way, as well as places to visit. There are petrol pumps available too.
The Routes That Can Be Taken
Route: Shimla to Shoghi to Waknaghat to Kandaghat to to Solan to Pinjore (via NH 5) to Panchkula to Chandigarh.Highways used: Solan Pass, NH 5.
Duration: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Eating Options on the Way
- Gyani ka Dhaba
- Premjees
- Timber Trail
- Aabshar
- Ankush Dhaba
- Sharma Dhaba 24/7
- Sunny’s
Road Condition
The road is very well maintained. There is a fair amount of traffic on NH 5 that is a daily occurrence; it may slow down the journey. There is a bit of hilly terrain and some elevation on the way from Shimla, but it is nothing too uncomfortable or difficult. Overall, it is a smooth and generally a hassle-free ride.