Shimla to Haridwar

   Shimla to Haridwar Road Distance 286 km
   Shimla to Haridwar Aerial Distance 160 km
  Shimla to Haridwar Travel Time 7 hours 22 mins

How to reach Haridwar from Shimla

The total distance between Shimla and Haridwar is around 295 kms and that can be covered in trains and buses or both. Although there are no direct trains, there are direct buses to cover the journey between Shimla to Haridwar. You can also drive down to Haridwar on your own for a thrilling experience or even book a private cab. We have made an elaborate account of the travel mediums from Shimla to Haridwar. Read on to find out more.

Knowing The Details

1. Shimla to Haridwar in Bus
2. Shimla to Haridwar in Car
3. Popular Routes to Haridwar
4. Popular Routes from Shimla
5. Places to Visit in Haridwar
6. Hotels in Haridwar

Haridwar Travel Packages

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1. Shimla to Haridwar in Bus

Shimla Bus Stand

The easiest way to reach Haridwar from Shimla is by bus. The total journey can be covered in 10 to 12 hours and the ticket prices vary depending on the kind of buses that you choose to travel in - sleeper, semi sleeper, AC, non AC etc. Have a look at the details.
Departure Station : Govt Bus Stand, Shimla
Arrival Station: Haridwar
Frequency of Buses: All Days
Approx. Bus Tickets: INR 442
Approx. Time Taken: 10 hours to 12 hours

2. Shimla to Haridwar in Car

Shimla Highway

Another option is to drive down to Haridwar from Shimla and is definitely an experience worth remembering. You can enjoy beautiful views of the mountains on the side and watch sweeping panoramic vistas. Alternatively, you can also hire a private taxi or cab to reach Haridwar from Dehradun. The total distance of 295 kms can be covered in 5 to 6 hours and the ticket fares start from INR 2500 to INR 3500.

Popular Routes to Haridwar

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Delhi to Haridwar 4 hours 58 mins 222 km
Dehradun to Haridwar 1 hour 38 mins 53.6 km
Chandigarh to Haridwar 4 hours 34 mins 199 km
Hyderabad to Haridwar 1 day 3 hours 1,725 km
Mumbai to Haridwar 1 day 2 hours 1,614 km
Ahmedabad to Haridwar 18 hours 26 mins 1,145 km

Popular Routes from Shimla

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Shimla to Manali 6 hours 36 mins 248 km
Shimla to Chandigarh 3 hours 32 mins 113 km
Shimla to Delhi 6 hours 52 mins 343 km
Shimla to Dharamshala 6 hours 29 mins 239 km
Shimla to Haridwar 7 hours 22 mins 286 km
Shimla to Mcleodganj 6 hours 29 mins 240 km