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Tags : Museum

Pricing : Entry free

Timings : Monday - 10:30 AM to 11:30 PM, 

Friday to Saturday - 10:30 AM to midnight, 

Sunday - 10:30 AM to 08:00 PM

Ways to Experience this attraction

Wynwood Walls, Miami Overview

To witness some eye-goggling mural arts in the lap of Miami, the one and only destination are Wynwood walls, a mosaic of colors and vibrancy created under the guidance of Tony Goldman. Started as an initiative in the early 2000s to support and encourage artists, now the Wynwood Walls, a popular open-air art gallery in Miami, stands out in the history of wall art, around the world. You can see artworks displayed at all corners and buildings of the neighborhood represent a grand fusion of wall murals. Either you can take up a private tour or also go for a walk all by yourself with no entry fee. From human-size murals of the Dalai Lama to quotes to abstract painting to eye-catching sculptures, the Wynwood wall is a magnificent place to appreciate art. Artists like Maya Hayuk and Kenny Scharf showcase their work and travelers can engage in clicking an unlimited series of posed photographs with the backdrop of vivid colors. Second Saturdays at the Wynwood art galley are always a celebration with music, food, and colors.

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