Nizwa Restaurants

4.3 /5
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Ideal duration: 1 day

Best Time: September to March Read More

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Food of Nizwa

Untouched by outside influences, the local food thrives in this small town. The best Omani food is found at Bin Ateeq Restaurant in Nizwa. A popular dish among tourists here is shark meat with coconut milk and rice. At Bin Ateeq, you will enjoy your food in Omani style: in "majilis" (sitting rooms), on the ground. Another restaurant you can go to enjoy Omani food is the Marsa Alsaiyaad Fish and Seafood. You will have to wait 30 minutes as they will be cooking fresh fish. You should also try various meat skewers you can buy at the souqs; these are very popular in Nizwa. At the souq, there are a variety of spices that you can buy such as saffron, chillies, turmeric, etc.

Food for Indians in Nizwa

There are many Indian restaurants in Nizwa, most of which are owned and run by Indians. A popular Indian restaurant is Peppercorns Restaurant. They have great vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. Other popular places are Spicy Village and Al Fanar restaurant. It has Indian dishes as well as other Asian dishes. Biryani is a very popular dish in these restaurants.

Nizwa Photos

Nizwa, Oman
Streets in Nizwa during sunset
Nizwa Fort
Nizwa Souq

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