How to Reach Thekkady

Madurai (136 km) and Kochi (165 km) have the nearest airports. The nearest rail head to reach Thekkady is at Kottayam. Regular buses run to Thekkady from Kottayam, Madurai and Trivandrum besides other South Indian cities.

Most frequently searched routes to Thekkady

Route Name Distance Time
Chennai to Thekkady 569 km 9 hours 9 mins
Bangalore to Thekkady 508 km 8 hours 15 mins
Mumbai to Thekkady 1,495 km 21 hours 47 mins
Hyderabad to Thekkady 1,076 km 16 hours 10 mins
Delhi to Thekkady 2,674 km 1 day 15 hours
Pune to Thekkady 1,352 km 19 hours 47 mins

How to reach Thekkady by flight

The nearest airport from Thekkady is Madurai, which is connected to most major airports like Chennai and Coimbatore. The other nearest airport is the Nedumbassery Airport in Kochi. You can hire a taxi from Kochi Airport to reach Thekkady.

Nearest Airport: Madurai Airport (IXM) - 104 kms from Thekkady

Search for flights to Madurai Airport (IXM)

How to reach Thekkady by road

State Buses operate on a regular basis from the nearby cities like Kottayam, Kochi and Trivandrum. Alternatively, you can also book a cab from any of the nearby cities and travel to Thekkady.

How to reach Thekkady by train

The nearest railway station to Thekkady is in Kottayam, 114 km away. You can hire a taxi from the railway station to reach Thekkady.

Local transport in Thekkady

Buses, Taxis and Autos can be found in abundance.

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Thekkady, Kerala
Periyar National Park
Periyar National Park
Kadathanadan Kalari Centre

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