Food of Vientiane

Rice is one of the common foods which are eaten in this area. People usually tends to utilise chopsticks to consume food rather than spoon. Forks and spoon are used to serve any food item along with rice. People eat sticky rice directly by dipping them into chilly paste or a paste made out of fish. Soup is something very common eaten in countryside where people also do tend to consume raw meat and gather food from any nearby forest.

Food for Indians in Vientiane

You would find tons of eateries in and around this place. In case you are searching for something that is local to this place then Delicious Noodle is something that you shouldnęt miss. However in case you are looking for some Indian food then there are tons of options to consider for example Nazim Indian restaurant serves some fabulous delicacies, while Noor restaurant is also not a bad choice.

Vientiane Photos

Vientiane, Laos
Pha That Luang
Wat Ong Theu

+ 18

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