What is the best time to visit Yogyakarta?

The best time to visit Yogyakarta is during the dry season from the month of July to October. Yogyakarta witnesses both wet and dry spells. The dry months are from July to October and the wet months extend from October to June. The dry months are hot and humid with the weather in Yogyakarta between 26°C and 29°C with low rainfall. During the wet months, the temperature is between 22°C and 31°C. The month of December and January are the wettest and hence the worst time of the year to visit Yogyakarta. It is noticed that rain causes inconvenience in undertaking activities and in moving around the city. Hence the dry season is recommended.

Weather in Yogyakarta


Upcoming Yogyakarta Weather

Monthly Weather in Yogyakarta

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 31°/ 23° 23 days
February 31°/ 23° 28 days
March 31°/ 23° 26 days
April 32°/ 23° 26 days
May 32°/ 22° 9 days
June 31°/ 20° 2 days
July 31°/ 19° 1 days
August 31°/ 19° 0 days
September 32°/ 20° 0 days
October 33°/ 21° 0 days
November 32°/ 23° 11 days
December 32°/ 23° 28 days

Yogyakarta Photos

Prambanan Temple - Built in 9th Century Dedicated to Trimurti
Borobudur Temple
Kraton Palace

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