Best Time To Visit Cirebon

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What is the best time to visit Cirebon?

The best time to visit Cirebon in Indonesia is from June to October. The region receives the least rainfall during this time of the year. The mercury level hovers between 22áµ’C and 30áµ’C. The atmosphere remains pleasant most parts of the day with little or less rain during these months.

The city basically experiences a tropical climate and receives moderate to heavy rainfall from November to May; the average annual precipitation is around 2393 mm. From December to March, the region receives the most rainfall. So, these six-seven months are not recommended for travellers.

Weather in Cirebon


Upcoming Cirebon Weather

Monthly Weather in Cirebon

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 32°/ 24° 27 days
February 31°/ 24° 26 days
March 31°/ 25° 27 days
April 32°/ 25° 22 days
May 33°/ 24° 13 days
June 33°/ 23° 3 days
July 32°/ 22° 2 days
August 33°/ 22° 0 days
September 33°/ 22° 0 days
October 34°/ 23° 0 days
November 34°/ 24° 11 days
December 33°/ 25° 28 days

Cirebon Photos

At-Taqwa Great Mosque - Built in 1918
Pemandian Cibulan
Kampung Batik Trusmi

+ 12

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