Best Time To Visit Bogor

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What is the best time to visit Bogor?

The average temperature in Bogor is usually the same and good to go all year round. However, it is most likely to rain throughout the year especially during the evening, so it is advisable to plan your outing during the day.

The warmest months to visit Bogor are- May, June, and October. The drier months to visit would be July, August, and June.

Weather in Bogor


Upcoming Bogor Weather

Monthly Weather in Bogor

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 30°/ 23° 28 days
February 29°/ 23° 29 days
March 30°/ 23° 30 days
April 31°/ 23° 28 days
May 32°/ 22° 24 days
June 32°/ 21° 9 days
July 31°/ 20° 8 days
August 32°/ 20° 6 days
September 32°/ 20° 8 days
October 33°/ 21° 20 days
November 32°/ 22° 24 days
December 31°/ 22° 29 days

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Kebun Raya (Bogor Botanical Gardens)
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