Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Travel agency in Mumbai (Bombay)

Joined Holidify in April, 2012

0 trips booked through Holidify

Status: Currently Active

Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

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About Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Experiential travel planners - we design personalized itineraries & exclusive travel experiences as per your preferences & budgets. We are passionate about travel & each plan is treated & created as if it were our own. We are a full service travel company who can handle your visas, ticketing, hotels, excursions, rail bookings, etc.


56link plaza,next to oshiwara police station,jogeshwari(W),, Mumbai (Bombay), 400102, India

Destinations covered by Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Singapore, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris

Services Offered by Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Flights, Hotels, Car Rental, Bus/Train, Cruise, Sightseeing Tour, Travel Insurance, Visa


56link plaza,next to oshiwara police station,jogeshwari(W),, Mumbai (Bombay), 400102, India

Destinations covered by Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Singapore, Munich, Frankfurt, Paris

Services Offered by Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd.

Flights, Hotels, Car Rental, Bus/Train, Cruise, Sightseeing Tour, Travel Insurance, Visa

Faraway Places Marketing Pvt.ltd. is listed in

Africa Travel Agents

Asia Travel Agents

Europe Travel Agents

Middle East Travel Agents

North America Travel Agents

South America Travel Agents

Singapore Travel Agents

Munich Travel Agents

Frankfurt Travel Agents

Paris Travel Agents