
Travel agency in Chandigarh

Joined Holidify in September, 2019

0 trips booked through Holidify

Status: Currently Active

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About Travelling-hub

Travelling-Hub is a professional travel agency committed to delivering experiences and memories that stay with you for a lifetime. We go above and beyond to offer tailor-made travel packages that perfectly align with your requirements. Reach out to us now and make your dream holiday and reality.


Panchkula, Chandigarh, 134117, India

Destinations covered by Travelling-hub

Europe, Maldives, Mauritius, Singapore, Thailand, Bali, Dubai, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates

Services Offered by Travelling-hub

Flights, Hotels, Car Rental, Bus/Train, Cruise, Sightseeing Tour, Travel Insurance, Visa

Reviews for Travelling-hub

Hong Kong Trio

(Written on 03 Feb, 2020)

Amazing facility provided and great service i must say it was fab to having a truoble free vecations with family its just because of you Travelling hub . Thank you so much for your best services .

Very Good Services

(Written on 30 Jan, 2020)

I have booked multiple trips from them and these guys are too professionals.


Panchkula, Chandigarh, 134117, India

Destinations covered by Travelling-hub

Europe, Maldives, Mauritius, Singapore, Thailand, Bali, Dubai, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates

Services Offered by Travelling-hub

Flights, Hotels, Car Rental, Bus/Train, Cruise, Sightseeing Tour, Travel Insurance, Visa

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