Bolivia Travel Guide

Continent: South America

Bolivia Travel Essentials

Ideal Duration:
10-14 days for exploring the highlights including La Paz, Salar de Uyuni, and the Amazon rainforest

Best Time: May to October Read More

Accommodation Cost (per night in USD):
Dorm bed: $5-15
Budget: $15-40
Mid-range: $60-100
Luxury: $120 and above

Budget for Food & Drinks (per day in USD): Budget: $5-15
Mid-range: $20-40

Visa Policy for Indians: Visa required

Visa Policy for Other Nationals: Visa required for many countries

Getting In Bolivia: El Alto International Airport (LPB) in La Paz, Viru Viru International Airport (VVI) in Santa Cruz Read More

Getting Around Bolivia: Buses, taxis, domestic flights for longer distances Read More

"The Roof Top of the World."

Bolivia Tourism

Bolivia is an expansive, landlocked plateau of barren plains, lush jungles, fertile highland valleys, and snow-capped Andean peaks. Bolivia is the country of wonders. This country is filled with wonders. Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni is the world's largest deposit of salt in the world. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world, as well as one of the deepest. Bolivian people are amiable and hospitable. The country's national motto is "Unity is strength".

Best time to visit Bolivia

Depending on the region ,Bolivia can be visited throughout the year. However, the best time to travel is from April- October. (Read More)

Holidify's opinion on Travel to Bolivia

What's Great about Travelling to Bolivia?

The scenic beauty. Various activities. Unique festivals and traditions.

What's Not So Great about Travelling to Bolivia?

Mosquitoes. Pickpocketing.

Who should Travel to Bolivia?

Nature lovers. Adventure seekers. People who like historical places.

Read More on Bolivia Travel

Exchanging Money in Bolivia

Visit a bank, ATM, or exchange office to exchange money. You can also exchange money at your hotel or hostel, at some travel agencies, jewelry shops or appliance stores.

Nightlife in Bolivia

Most of the nightlife of Bolivia is concentrated in La Paz and Santacruz. Some of the clubs and bars of La Paz include Calles Linares, Tarija, and Murillo who play Latin jazz, Pop, RnB, Reggae music. The elite of La Paz party in Sopocachi .Friday nights in Bolvia are viernes de solteros (Bachelor Fridays) where the male population goes out drinking in the city center.

Shopping in Bolivia

Some of the enticing souvenirs include woodcarvings, llama and alpaca wool blankets, gold and silver costume jewellery and Native American handicrafts.

Festivals of Bolivia

Bolivians don't back down when it's time to celebrate. Hence, their festivals unleash a surplus of excitement, colours, and joy. The Virgen de la Candelaria Copacabana is a festival which is attended by people from all over the world who come to make a pilgrimage to Lake Titicaca to honour the Patrones of Bolivia. Bolivian festivals proudly showcase their artwork, colourful costumes and dances. The Fiesta Del Gran Poder of La Paz is one such festival which pays homage to Jesus Christ. A large number of people from all across the world come to participate in the Urkupina festival. It features folk dances, Andean music, and tasty cuisine.

Hygiene in Bolivia

Dengue and Malaria are a threat in some areas so keep yourself protected by keeping your skin covered and using a good quality insect repellent. The sub-tropical areas of Bolivia are prone to yellow fever. Therefore it is advisable to get vaccinated at least one month before the visit. If you plan on spending time in rural areas, get a rabies vaccine before travel. Seek medical attention even if you happen to be bitten or even scratched by an animal.

Customs of Bolivia

Bolivians stand very close when conversing. Maintaining direct eye contact is important. A slumping posture is considered to be rude. The customary greeting is a handshake. Shake hands when meeting and departing.

Tips for visiting Bolivia

Be cautious as blockades and protests may occur along the main roads. Carry a photocopy of your passport, including the personal details, entry stamp and disembarkation card with you at all times in case it is requested by immigration officials or the police. If you take a taxi, use a registered company. Beware of bag snatchers. Bolivia is a country with varying weather conditions, therefore a flexible wadrobe is needed.In the tropical regions of Rurrenabaque, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, the weather is often hot and humid, meaning travelers are at risk of sunburn and mosquito bites.

Culture of Bolivia

Bolivians place a lot of emphasis on family values with all generations living together under one roof. Marriage is an important institution, especially in rural communities. Some communities believe in cohabitation and starting a family before the wedding, whereas others follow Catholic tradition of marriage as the first step. Bolivia is a very diverse country due to the different origins of its people. Its culture possesses traces of Spanish, European, African, Amazonian, and indigenous cultures from the Andes. In 2009, Bolivia was declared as a secular state. Before that, Roman Catholicism was the state religion. However, most people are Roman Catholic with a Protestant minority. The official languages of Bolivia are Castellano (Spanish), Araona, Aymara, Baure, BŽsiro, Canichana (extinct), Cavine–o,Cayubaba (extinct), Ch‡cobo, Chiquitan, Ese Ejja, Guaran’,Guarasuawe (extinct),Guarayu, Itonama, Leco, Machajuyai-Kallawaya, Machineri, Maropa,Moje–o-Ignaciano, Moje–o-Trinitario, MorŽ, MosetŽn,Movima, Pacawara, Puquina (extinct 18th century), Quechua, Sirion—, Tacana, TapietŽ, Toromona, Uru-Chipaya (not a single language; only Chipaya is still spoken),Weenhayek, Yaminawa, Yuki, YuracarŽ, and Zamuco.  The majority of the people speak Spanish. Besides, that Aymara and Quechua are the most spoken languages.

Food of Bolivia

Bolivian cuisine is a combination of Spanish cuisine with indigenous and Aymara influences. It has also been influenced by the Argentinians, Germans, Italians, French, and Arabs due to the arrival of immigrants from those countries. The traditional staples of Bolivian cuisine are corn, potatoes, and beans. Some of the most popular dishes include Papas Rellenas,Salte–as, Pique a lo Macho, Tucumanas, Bu–uelos, Mon_dongo, Picante de Pollo, Choripan, Majadito, Sopa de Mani etc.

Photos of Bolivia


FAQs on Bolivia

How to reach Bolivia from India?

Visitors from India would have to make two stops. Jet Airways and Air India linked with British Airways and American Airlines will take you to Bolivia. Other options include travelling by Lufthansa and Avianca Airlines which will take you through Frankfurt and Bogota. KLM and Avianca can take you through Amsterdam and Lima.


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