1 out of 3
Places to visit in Colombia
Tourist attractions
Known For : La Candelaria Gold Museum Mount Monserrate
The largest city and also the capital region of Columbia, Bogota is known for its excitement and vibrancy deep rooted in its sophisticated streets. The cosmopolitan capital has a population of about eight million people and is located at a great altitude of 2640metres amidst the Andean Peaks.
Best Time: December to March
2 out of 3
Places to visit in Colombia
Tourist attractions
Known For : Walled City Castillo de San Felipo de Barajas Playa Blanca
Cartagena or Cartagena de Indias, capital of Bolivar department is the fifth largest city in Colombia. Located on the Carribean coast, the city is known for its grand colonial mansions, plazas, beautiful beaches and a vibrant lifestyle, making it Colombia's top tourist destination.
Best Time: January to March
3 out of 3
Places to visit in Colombia
Tourist attractions
Known For : Plaza Botero and Museum of Antioquia Metrocable and Parque Arvi Botanical Garden of MedellÕn
MedellÍn is the second largest city in Colombia and capital of Antioquia department. An important economic centre, MedellÍn is a bustling urban hub known for its textile industry. Located in the Aburra valley in foothills of majestic Andes mountains on either side, MedellÍn is known for its alluring...
Best Time: December to February