Getting Around Hungary

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Getting Around in Hungary

Getting around is possible through buses, cars, boats, trains and the metro.

Getting Around Hungary By Other

Metro: Local metro stations are situated throughout Budapest, especially near many tourist attractions. Tickets can be bought at kiosks and at automatic ticket machines that accept coins, notes and credit cards.

Getting Around Hungary By Rail

Hungary has an extensive railway network. The one that runs prominently is the Hungarian National Railway with to main lines - M�V and GYSEV. Schedules and prices can be found online. A second option - Intercity (IC) trains that are the fastest, and most up-to-date, and link other major cities with Budapest. However, about HUF550 (=EUR2) extra fee needs to be paid independently for reserving a seat. The gyorsvonat is also an option among fast trains. Prices depend on the distance and cabin-type. People under 26 years can travel with discount of 33% on weekends. Children (under 6 years) and retired citizens (from EU countries) can travel for free except on Intercity and other fast trains where the extra fee is mandatory. It is possible to travel with an Inter Rail pass in Hungary

Getting Around Hungary By Road

Buses: The national bus network is operated under Volàn Association with frequent connections and same prices as the intercity trainbs. Buses are considered much faster and effecient than trains. However, one should queue on time and purchase tickets as they sell out quickly. Payment is only through cash Cars: Once can rent a car and use the highways but keep in mind the potholes, bumpy roads, aggressive drivers, police officers are believed to be arbitrary and you are charged through the vignette system.

Getting Around Hungary By Water

Scheduled riverboats and hydrofoil lines run from Budapest to Danubebend, like Szentendre, Visegràd and Esztergom.

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