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Fair Harbor 4.9 kms from Sailors Haven
# 1 out of 3 Bed And Breakfast In Fire-Island
(23 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Spa, Beach, Pool, Garden, Concierge Service, Food
4 star bed and breakfast with 9 room options
30.3 kms from city centre
# 2 out of 3 Bed And Breakfast In Fire-Island
(7 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi
Guest house with only 1 room option
9.0 kms from Sailors Haven
# 3 out of 3 Bed And Breakfast In Fire-Island
(2 reviews)
Homestay with 2 room options
However, you can try some of these similar properties.
24.3 kms from city centre
(3 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Garden
Luxury tent with only 1 room option
29.9 kms from city centre
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed
Lodge with only 1 room option
15.7 kms from city centre
(351 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar
Inn with 5 room options
19.8 kms from city centre
(47 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Pool
Hotel with 8 room options
25.0 kms from city centre
(92 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Food
Ocean Beach
(37 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Beach, Concierge Service, Food
8.2 kms from Sailors Haven
(113 reviews)
Hotel with 10 room options
16.9 kms from city centre
(5 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Spa
Holiday home with only 1 room option
(127 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Garden, Food
Hotel with 9 room options
(1 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Children's Playground
28.1 kms from city centre
Facilities: Wifi, Beach
23.1 kms from city centre
(431 reviews)
23.6 kms from city centre
(66 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Beach
4 star hotel with 4 room options
Facilities: Wifi, Garden, Children's Playground
Ocean Beach 300 m from Atlantique Beach
(10 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Garden
21.5 kms from city centre
(184 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Garden, Food
Hotel with 3 room options
18.7 kms from city centre
(183 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pool, Food
Hotel with 2 room options
18.6 kms from city centre
(190 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Beach, Pool, Food
Ocean Bay Park 1.9 kms from Ocean Beach
20.3 kms from city centre
(212 reviews)
(256 reviews)
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pets Allowed, Food
Hotel with 6 room options
(262 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Pool
8.4 kms from Sailors Haven
(272 reviews)
Hotel with 7 room options
5.1 kms from Sailors Haven
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Food
Ocean Bay Park 1.5 kms from Ocean Beach
Hotel with only 1 room option
24.0 kms from city centre
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pets Allowed, Beach, Pool, Garden, Food, Shuttle Service
9.4 kms from Randall Park
Facilities: Bar, Wifi, Pool, Garden
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Beach, Pool, Garden, Children's Playground
9.9 kms from Watch Hill
23.0 kms from city centre
(305 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pool, Garden, Shuttle Service
Ocean Bay Park 1.4 kms from Ocean Beach
19.7 kms from city centre
Facilities: Wifi, Pets Allowed, Beach, Pool, Garden
24.5 kms from city centre
29.4 kms from city centre
27.3 kms from city centre
Facilities: Wifi, Beach, Garden
24.4 kms from city centre
(342 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Beach, Food
Hotel with 4 room options
27.1 kms from city centre
(367 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pool, Food
Ocean Bay Park 1.8 kms from Ocean Beach
(4 reviews)
18.9 kms from city centre
(406 reviews)
Facilities: Wifi, Bar, Pets Allowed, Pool, Food
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