History of the Dances of Indonesia

For this dance, women dress in an intricate peacock designed costumes. This dance form symbolizes the movements of the magnificent bird. It is full of grace and finesse. The women dance effortlessly to melodious tunes and enchant the audience with their poise.
8. Cakalele, Ternate - The War Dance

Originally a war dance, it is now used to attract tourists and promote the tourism of Indonesia. They are staged as acts of entertainment or traditional celebrations. It is also used for the appreciation of the Malaku ancestors. This is one of the dances of Indonesia that has worldwide recognition.
9. Roro Anteng and Joko Seger Dance, Tengger - A Tribute to the Legends

Indonesia is rich in traditional and legendary dance forms, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger being one of them. It celebrates the tales of the legends Roro Ateng and Joko Seger and the origins of Yadnya Kasada.
This dance form is very similar to Balinese dance forms which involve slow-paced dance moves with great refinement. The dance immortalizes two legends, thus it is practised keeping in mind the age-old traditions.
A lot of care is ensured while performance as superstition says that slight refashioning could result in enraging God Hyang Widhi. The costumes are also blessed by the local shaman before the performance. About thirty to thirty-five dancers dance to melodious chantings. The dance form always ends up being a masterpiece act.
Indonesian Dance Festival

These dance forms are highly impressive. With graceful movements, varied dance techniques, tales behind the dance forms, costumes, masks and expressions, you are sure to get attracted their dances. Indonesia is housed with some of the most charming and ravishing dance forms. One can surely take home some inspiration from these dances of Indonesia. Each dance act is an unforgettable experience and it will leave a lasting impression in your mind.