Drink to Love at These Gay Bars in Chiang Mai!

Being gay is very common in the Chiang Mai city of Thailand, and you would see many gay bars in the city where you would find several people partying and clubbing. Being gay isn’t an issue in Thailand like it is in other countries, and ‘gay bars’ are just like usual clubs and bars in the city. These clubs are a venue of several gay blind dates; however, straight people also come here with friends and colleagues. 
Hence, the tourists must visit gay bars in Chiang Mai to witness that the gay scene in the city is very well alive and happening. Some of the best gay bars in the city are :

1. Ram Bar

Ram Bar, Chiang Mai
Most popular one among the LGBTQ, this bar is considered to be the friendliest, and the most happening one. Located near the market area, the club has both a crowded lounge and chill outdoor seating to relax. Known for the free cabaret show that happens every night at 10:00 PM and the light shows, this club attracts everyone that visit the market area. There is a lot of music, dancing and interaction with fellow people in the club. 
Timings: 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Highlights: Cabaret Show at 10:00 PM

2. Orion Bar

Orion Bar, Chiang Mai
Orion bar gives a very chill relaxing atmosphere, contrary to the other loud and crowded bars in the city. You can play pool with your date or friends. The bar can be easily located as it is 100m in the plaza, and massive hoardings can be seen in the market area. The staff is amiable, and visitors often come here to spend a nice cosy time with their partners. 
Timings: 5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Highlights: Pool table, Cozy Environment, Cheap Drinks

3. Adam’s Apple

Most “heated” bar in Chiang Mai, Adam’s apple is largely attracted by single gay men who are looking for partners. The clubs host various go-go boy shows, sultry drag queens, cabaret and lap dances at 10:00 PM, which are highly appreciated and loved. The erotic nature of this bar is what makes it so popular among gay, who come here in huge numbers. 
Timings: 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Highlights: Various Erotic Shows, Single Gay Men

4. Jacky Bar

It is another bar, on the same lane where other bars of the city can be found. Cheap beers and cocktails are what makes it quite popular among the younger generation. It is located next to Orion Bar; hence, you can put this in your gay-bar hopping list.
Timings: 5:00 PM to 12:00 AM

5. Loft Bar Hero

A mixed bar attracted by gay and straight both, Loft bar is known to serve a wide range of cocktails. Located in the business park, it also has outdoor seating and hosts a live band performance every night. 
Timings: 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Highlights: Hunky Muscular Staff, Live Band

6. Secrets Bar

Secrets Bar, Chiang Mai
Located next to Ram Bar, it is frequently visited due to its location in the market. However, it is quieter and less crowded than Ram bar, hence this place is for those looking for chilling and relaxing with a good beer. This bar is also visited by trading fellows who prefer this place because of a laid-back environment. 
Timings: 5:30 PM - 1:00 AM
Highlights: Less Crowded, Chill

This post was published by Shreya Prasad

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